Hey, thanks for this thoughtful review. I’ve been planning to eventually watch it, but honestly was not particularly optimistic about it (for the reasons you mention).
I’m much more curious about it, now!
Hey, thanks for this thoughtful review. I’ve been planning to eventually watch it, but honestly was not particularly optimistic about it (for the reasons you mention).
I’m much more curious about it, now!
How do you get better at playing the guitar without actually playing the guitar?
(edit): Point taken, but “playing the guitar” still wins by a mile
While I agree with others pointing out the oddity of a portable server in general: this sounds like a great use-case for a laptop.
Built-in battery, wifi you can broadcast out as a hotspot, and it even has a display/keyboard/mouse for troubleshooting!
An older laptop with the optical drive stripped out could have a 2.5” 5TB HDD in addition to the boot drive for some decent mobile storage.
Elon: “Amateurs”
(your joke but worse)
Nuclear weapons are dangerous. More at 11.
I’m all for holding robber barons accountable, but not a fan of state sanctioned murder.
I’m not particularly worried about it. I can block them if they annoy me. And on the bright side, their large user base may help make the Fediverse mainstream enough to topple the tech giants.
deleted by creator
Twenty years ago in High School, good weed was about $60/eighth in CA. $40 was for decent stuff.
With legalization, I can get decent stuff for $25 now — twenty years of inflation later. Anecdotal, sure, but it’s way cheaper for me now.
Go fash, lose cash.
FYI Nexctloud supports webdav.
I liked both of them. Wasn’t fond of the vespa scooter gang, though.
With Favreu running it I’m confident it will be good
I’m all for respecting different cultures, but nobody owns the fucking moon.
I run it and mariaDB in docker and they run perfectly when left alone, but everything breaks horribly if I try to do an update. I recently figured out that you need to do updates for NC in steps, and docker (unRAID’s, specifically) defaults to jumping to the latest version. I think I figured out how to specify version now so fingers crossed I won’t destroy it the next time I do updates.
My favorite thing is when I notice the chain is emailing people who don’t need to see it and Reply All after moving them to BCC (I add a note saying “moved X to BCC” for transparency).
People love me :-)