If ben carson could read he would downvote this comment
If ben carson could read he would downvote this comment
This was always the plan
I kept checking back and the number kept climbing, what a nightmare, those poor people.
Its just a conversation bro, you can chill out
As an Iranian, wtf new jersey 🤣
Yea there are other things like the artificial sweeteners being bad for gut bacteria, but the main thing is the sugar for sure.
Its been a while since I looked into this but from what i remember the acidity and carbonation are bad for your teeth, all the additives and artificial flavors and colors are bad for your kidneys and liver. I haven’t drank the stuff in a while so I don’t have any sources for you, but I would encourage you to talk to a doctor about it
I mean do what you want, but its still bad for you in other ways. I dropped soda like a decade ago and I don’t even miss it
I think part of what we are seeing with poorer progressive performance is a symptom of the apathy that occurs when democrats “win” and progressive policy doesn’t materialize.
Obviously as sensible people we know that we had sinema and manchin and we lacked the house so there was only so much biden could do, however as voters it still feels like a letdown and I believe that unfortunately emotion is a strong driver for voters.
This is part of Biden’s baggage that Kamala inherited unfortunately. If we had a primary maybe we could have had a chance to rile up the base and get some excitement going.
At the end of the day I think this election was lost on fucking v i b e s, as dumb as that is. People feel kinda shitty about stuff and they blame the incumbent even though he’s doing his best.
I think progressive policies get people a lot more excited than moderate conservative stuff, and in my view why would a conservative vote for a democratic when their party delivers so hard for them. A pivot to the center will only alienate the left in my view.
Maybe I’m wrong about all this, but at the end of the day a democratic party that keeps pivoting to the right doesn’t represent me very much.
Did you even read that I said I voted for all of them? I never withheld my vote, but they certainly didn’t earn it either.
I’m not being holier than thou, I’m offering valuable feedback.
From my perspective the pro biden kamala folks have been condescending as f u c k .
If she wanted to demand votes she should have campaigned on a more attractive platform.
“As commander-in-chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world,” Kamala Harris said during her keynote address at the DNC, yeah Democrats could have been a lot fucking better.
Voters are stupid because conservatives have been defunding education for decades and the Democrats haven’t fought back hard enough to make up for it. Next talking point.
This kind of comment has been exceptionally helpful all election long. Maybe y’all can earn that you aren’t entitled to votes you have to actually earn them 😘, or don’t fuck if I care.
I voted for hilary, biden and kamala, but none of them were suited to meet this moment in american history.
This is a failure of the neoliberals and their democratic party, but neither of them actually give a shit since they just make money off fundraising against bad orangeman.
But go ahead and moan if it helps you cope with what’s coming the next 4 years, you’ve earned that much.
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Haven’t been to the movies since covid and no plan to return ever again. Sit in a room with a bunch of strangers and risk getting infected? Fuck that. Most of the people I know that got covid got it from the movies. Hard pass
Solo proved that to me, the whole mystery of han just completely washed away by making a single film that shows every reason for everything about him.
Its like they were just going down a checklist
“Oh so we do the kessel run, and how he met chewey, and get this we show why his last name is solo and its just the lamest shit ever, oooh oooh lets also give him a love interest that was never referenced again ever!”
like the key and peele sketch about gremlins 2
Don’t know why you got so many downvotes, this douchebag ruined starwars for me. I didn’t even see 9 in theatres because he completely ruined luke and everything the OT built.
Im not even going to talk about his skills as a director, he completely misunderstood luke and completely destroyed his character by turning him into an old jaded man.
I can look past anything else he did in that boring movie, but to me luke was starwars so none of it matters anymore.
Thats not true they could have given up the elites to form a more grassroots par-hahahha im sorry I fucking can’t