Why not come back? :D
Why not come back? :D
Shit, I watched a Polish movie with exactly this theme
Highly recommend
If all of them were subject to Alaska Airlines’ WiFi equipment installation post-sale, which required unbolting the door plugs, then all of them have to be rechecked and rebooted. This you won’t hear from them :)
But mah profits!
737 Max is still a developing example of what happens when you leave corporate to self-regulate themselves.
Now, with all that context, that Poles where coexisting peacefully with Jews before the war, that countless of them have sacrificed their own lives and lives of their families to help them during their brutal extermination, even they now get called antisemitic when pointing out Israel’s tactics are no different than what Hitler did to them.
It’s worse! There are guys on YT disassembling them and finding not single-use alkaline batteries inside but fully rechargeable Li-Ion batteries (for use in hobby projects). Forget the environment, how on earth is this economically justifiable for producers? People buying them pay not for nicotine but for all the electronics inside with a small addition of substance for their addiction.
Coordinated action to undermine UAW workers confidence in their negotiations? I’ve seen too many such things for it to be a coincidence.
(What’s with the downvotes?)
Small scale reactors that require almost no maintenance and produce enough power for a single city are the hot topic right now due to what you just mentioned. As a side product, they provide hot water for the city.
It also doesn’t help that people got brainwashed that solar energy and heat pumps will solve all our problems. I don’t have enough space to install so many solar panels to provide power to heat pump during the Eastern European winter and even if I did, ROI will be longer than their expected lifetime. And we still use lead during production, and no one wants to recycle them. These geniuses here import broken solar panels and dump them into the ground and cover them, call that recycling. FFS, nuclear waste disposal is less scary than this uncontrolled shit.
It couldn’t be more based to name bomb-dropping drones a Precision Payload Delivery System.
Once upon a time I stumbled on a tool called “fsfreeze”. Might be useful.