I don’t know, the soldiers that killed the confederates and the nazis seem very honorable.
I don’t know, the soldiers that killed the confederates and the nazis seem very honorable.
Yes. It’s an overly complicated issue with no real good practical and moral answers.
It seems some people don’t care. And I don’t blame them.
One of 50. Trust me, no one cares about us in Okieland and I don’t blame them.
You’re the kind of person to defend My Lai for resisting, if we were back in the 60’s.
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That’s what our pupp- I mean, allied nations are for. It takes a village to raise a child, kind of thing.
Just raise taxes, silly.
Facts don’t care about your feelings.😎
Impregnable the women, THEN get eaten by a saber tooth tiger.
We can fund both, dipshit.
“You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”
Sounds like they’ll be left in true dustbin of history.
looks at Israel wiping Gazians off the map and recent bombings of Yemen
So how’s that working out for ya? I was in DC a few weeks ago and I haven’t seen any of them there.
Don’t bomb boats then.
Do yourself a favor and forget that he ever said anything about a sequel.
Just stop caring about the Middle East, it’s that simple.
Exactly. I said that to make the death penalty look bad, which it is.
Probably because our morals and principles collapse at the first speed bump.