That worst was just before it fell (2008), not when it was already low.
That worst was just before it fell (2008), not when it was already low.
I’m not convinced he was really trying to evade. I mean who gets on a bus for a getaway. Your trapped on it, and most have cameras. I think he was kind of half assing the evade part, not really expecting to get away, just to stall a little.
I personally like the idea of a real third party. But I think focusing on eat the rich won’t have enough draw, and will push potential supporters away. I think the focus should be more on government FOR the people. It’s similar, but wider in scope. Trump is doing america first… how about people first as the focal point.
I live in oregon, and I am looking to support progressive organizations more. Do you have any resources I can use to identify which organizations here are the real deal versus ones just pretending, or ones that are totally irrelevant?
The progressive part is a thing I think.
I’d say it will be nearly impossible to get an objective jury that also represents the defendants peers.
I remember at jury duty how they spend a lot of time telling us that we have to decide if the dependant broke the law specifically. Implying that we aren’t suppose to decide if they deserve punishment. But I am pretty sure that isn’t in the constitution. I think a jury should consider if the law is just. I believe you can get a mistrial if a jury member admits to such a thing.
Ah. Similar effect in reducing the net difference
If that lasr column is population, latino men are 1/7 compared to white men. So the larger difference is much smaller than it appears. And how did there get to be so many more latino women than men.
Far simpler than whateveryone else is saying. The best way to rally humans to your side is to give them a common enemy. So conservative politicians picked enemies that are small in number and told everyone how they are to blame for all that is wrong in the world.
Side question. Which communities can I do that? I have some questions I want to ask, but haven’t found a place. The politics community requires a link to an article, which is practically what I want to ask for.
Yep, at the end of the day, it is the will of the people. To me it sounds like we just need to divide up the country. The two sides are hopelessly far from compromise, or even tolerance of each other.
Yep. Rough economic times seem to cause the incumbent pres to lose. People seem to think the president controls the economy.
I hear Japan is practically giving houses away…
The polls say the economy was the reason, not foreign policy.
I think that a lot of people ascribe a lot of depth to how the stoke market works that is really just a farce. When it comes down to it, the stock market is a corporate popularity contest. The concept of stock was a way for someone to get a peice of the action without having to actually know or do anything. And it acted as a way for the wealthy to annoint people as worthy. Nowadays , due to growth in the number of people involved, popularity is really all that matters. People will claim it is about revenue and such, but it really is about will other people buy the stock for more.
Missing the “oh shit need to fix this other thing but I am in the middle of a big change,” flow. I use git stash, but I wish I could include files that haven’t been added and I wish it could be tied to the branch
So here is one of the pages I read… I saw similar sentiment in other places as well. Sounds like you are saying this isn’t the majority opinion?
Overall, I have a strong dislike for apple in general, and I won’t take a job where I have to work with windows ever again unless I am desperate. And I am also getting very tired of Microsoft’s bs. But I don’t want my main home pc to be a project either. I already use Firefox and a vpn. But every time some page doesn’t work right I have to turn off the vpn, and try chrome before I know the problem is on thier end. And it usually isn’t, well other than not supporting firefox and a vpn, but these are banks or doctors offices, I don’t have a lot of choice in most of them. There is only so much of that I am willing to do on my main home pc. But overall, I would like to be part of the solution, as long as I am a target user, which from what I have read, I am not.
Nice. My info was from googling using Linux as a home pc. So it may be a gate keeping attitude or it may be fact. I don’t want to fight with my home pc that just browser the web and plays games. Oh… I guess it runs turbotax in april.
While I agree about most of your gripes. I don’t think requiring an account to contribute is unreasonable. I can underdtand not wanting to create an account and give them personal info and such. But if that is your stance, stop using them entirely. Giving them code is even worse.