Btw, use pipx to install software, pip is for libraries only.
Btw, use pipx to install software, pip is for libraries only.
Wasn’t there a curly golden mouse a while ago?
Vaccinations are pretty much your choice.
Huh? Only DE thing not being stable for me was xfce Thunar being crashy for a while. There are unstalbe DE?
magick import of imagemagick has a crosshair. Here’s my function:
screnshot() {
## script to make screenshots with imagemagick's import command and display them
## usage: screenshot <path> <name>
_id="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")"
mkdir -p "$_dir"
printf '%s\n' "$_shot"
magick import "$_shot" && \
magick display "$_shot"
And good old xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-screenshooter -r and xfce4-screenshooter -w.
Microsoft, is that you?
My downloads folder is only temporary. Like inbox in E-mails.
Use this app to make sure. It installs a local VPN to check connections, needs no root.
I know spam that starts with that name.
It’s one of the most common known exoplanet types. That’s it.
Well, from my desktop, since i’m currently experimenting with niri/wayland on laptop.
Left panel:
top panel:
right panel
Disable info popups on laptop, since they don’t get away on touchscreen-touch.
That hexagon is the diameter of earth. Better seen from a distance.
deleted by creator
Unzip and text editor?
I give my dishes a “worth” in nutrients and since UPFs are usually poorer in nutrients i automatically count them as snacks or dessert, since i can only eat so much in a day. Don’t even buy sausages, usually.
That was one of my main reasons to move to Linux about 10 years ago; you couldn’t just replace that shitty desktop of Windows 7 with a better one (well, there was Blackbox, a Openbox fork).