I even forgot how that one i liked years ago was named. But Wikipedia has a (likely slightly outdated) list. Just google “cross platform ui toolkit”.
Or use a real cross-platform UI toolkit.
My LG so far doesn’t nag about no internet. If you have all AI features disabled at least.
10 lines is a bit much, that’s hardly more readable than one.
Then again, it depends on the language.
Yeah, nature is not good with a “dominant” species. Not for the whole planet at least.
Rule number one: be wary of ppa.
Rule number two: they work only on Ubuntu, they will break your Debian or Debian derivative.
Not fatigue but service issue.
Still no dynamic allocation of strings in 9999? :(
I do use aliases, though differently too. For example, i use multiple distros. Instead of “uh, what was the xbps command to find what package contains this file?” i just have it automatically set to a bunch of aliases in a case switch based on package manager. Another one; some tools that follow XDG only optionally via parameter.
Right, Firefox has the same situation with Chrome on mobile, as it had with Internet Explorer in Desktop.
Why, it makes totally sense. One is done inefficiently, the next doesn’t have feature X, this one does something entirely different and that one i don’t like the programming language/approach.
So their sample had 60% mentally sick?
Musk made that much in a day since 2022.
Yeah, sure. But in case of a framework, people without that experience start using it wrong.
Space heater is “medium duty” while a router is “heavy duty”?
Ugh, please no. Please don’t paint UI-elements via JS, if you’re not forced to. It makes for a poor experience for most users, not to mention accessibility.
Experience shows that you still force me to use WSL, because you want to develop your stupid app in the same setup as the Windows store version and i have to fix the not-so-much cross-platform monster of three people before me who never heard of technical debt.