Don’t forget austerity, that in itself had a huge impact.
Don’t forget austerity, that in itself had a huge impact.
That’s one hell of a distance for a drone to fly from Ukraine.
Makes me think of the 1980 Robert Redford film Brubaker.
This is going to get interesting if this is true and taken seriously.
Are you referring to the K8 at the bottom of the Biscay?
If the Republicans get their way Ukraine can say goodbye to US support. Europe, including the UK, should step up to the plate and triple down in its support for Ukraine in funding and supplies and be prepared for military action with or without the US.
Let me understand this. You hate Farage yet you have hope in him. The electoral, honours and Lords systems certainly need reform. The Tories are corrupt and self-serving whose only interest are the party and business. Brexit and Teeside.
Let’s hope so. I look forward to a few Portillo moments. The Tories have caused so much damage to the UK in two words Brexit and Corruption.
Catholic Church saying “look over there that’s terrible” whilst not doing much about the rape and abuse within its own backyard.
That’s what the British car industry said in the 60s and 70s about Japanese cars. Everyone bad mouthed anything made in Japan as being poor quality.
The Japanese succeeded through good products and their domestic rivals (in Britain) being arrogant, xenophobic and letting standards slide thinking they were great and couldn’t be beaten.
I’ve a Japanese Honda CRV (ironically built in UK) and a Chinese built MG5 EV. The EV is best built car I’ve owned in 35 years.
Many established car brands are going to disappear Tesla, I believe, being one.
He knows he’s fucked up and that the writing is on the wall for him. Putin is on borrowed time and so is he.
Hungary, whilst lead by an Orban government, is the enemy.
The Tories have been taken over by the Loony Right. They are now a populist right wing party devoid of leadership, courage, morals, compassion, integrity, capability and indeed honesty. They are more concerned with lining their friends’ pockets first, their party a close second and our country last.
In 2015 the Tories ran scared of UKIP and offered a Brexit vote to appeal to the right wingers. The rest is history and is about to repeat itself again.
Being a Tory politician is all about grand standing and who can shout the loudest whilst racing to the bottom of the barrel.
They are not fit for any purpose in any office of public duty.
He’s sounds like a republican.
Who would have ever imagined the US appearing as a pro-Russian country by the Republicans? It truly is jaw dropping.
Get a grip UAE. Putin is an arse. Don’t be an arse UAE.
Maybe McDonald’s should be putting more effort into confronting the abusive staff?
Lavatoryrov throws his dummy out again.
Let’s not forget the Bullingdon Club shenanigans.
For those not aware of the notoriety of the Bullingdon Club take a look here .