Article is less bad than headline. Looks like DOE didn’t officially grant access, but someone gave the guy access anyway.
DOE caught it, and wants to know what the fuck happened.
DOE is big. They regulate all sorts of stuff and the likely target is not nukes, but personnel information. That gives them the power to fire climate researchers, replace regulators and decision makers with stooges, and ensure the DOE derails the shift to greener tech - as much as they can.
There’s currently big DOE-funded projects ongoing that will allow for Texas to connect to the national grid, and will connect giant solar and wind farms in Oklahoma and Maine to long distance lines that connect all the way to the Hoover Dam — something that makes the drought in that area less impactful should they have to shut off the turbines due to falling water levels.
But then, as now, it won’t understand what it’s supposed to do, and will merely attempt to apply stolen code - ahem - training data in random permutations until it roughly matches what it interprets the end goal to be.
We’ve moved beyond a thousand monkeys with typewriters and a thousand years to write Shakespeare, and have moved into several million monkeys with copy and paste and only a few milliseconds to write “Hello, SEGFAULT”