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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Addiction has a medical definition, not a connotation.
    As previously shown, SSRI’s do not cause addiction, even if they can cause withdrawal or physical dependence for some people.

    I guess I’m wondering if support of this policy has to be riddled with asterisks and accompanied by statements that express hopes of how the programs will be run, then why express any support at all for them?

    And finally: There are safe places available for people to go if they feel they are having mental health issues that require more intensive care. Mind you, these are really only available to people with health insurance - Regan largely killed off federal and community mental health care in the 80’s. Care that cannot be replaced with a labor camp.
    The only proper replacement for that care is rebuilding that/those system(s), and that is not what RFK is proposing. He’s proposing a labor camp to take advantage of and imprison away vulnerable populations.

  • It’s so shameful what greed and broken electoral finance laws in the U.S. have done to the country. Right now, an investment of a few million by a PAC can turn into billions of dollars from the government, via direct aid, passing laws, or simply looking the other way if a company isn’t being too obviously evil.

    The primaries this year were highly telling in that regard - politicians were being nakedly bought in plain sight, but, again, because “you don’t fuck with the money” it’s not a question in political circles of whether overhauling campaign finance should be undertaken.

  • Well, of course. I think it’s a bit odd they’re characterizing it that way. Rural/Urban is not a delineation I would have thought of in terms of support for his politics.
    I often feel what’s unsaid is also as important as what’s said - in this case I take it to be an implication that urban folks aren’t as interested in his brand of progressivism. My comment about city friends was to contradict McConnell’s statement, rather than to reinforce any notion of division based on geography.

  • The republicans think the democrats picked Walz to appeal to rural voters?

    If that’s the case then why are all my city friends the most genuinely excited they have been about a democratic politician since two weeks after Obama’s inauguration in 2009?

    Pictures of Walz holding pigs, fixing cars, or coaching football aside, democrats picked him because he actually does what they’ve been telling their base they stand for.
    It’s like Walz read the marketing material for the Democratic Party and then skipped the private meetings before getting to work. And that is what has my friends excited - that he’s doing something other than bloviating while circling the drain of irrelevance.

  • A few weeks ago, a mom was at the hardware store with her young son – he was about five years old.
    For some reason, we crossed paths a few times, And each time she was talking with her son about the things they were buying in the projects that they were buying them for. But what Caught my attention first was he asked her ‘What if we can’t do it?’ and she responded with ‘Well then we learned how because we can figure it out.’
    This woman was endlessly, encouraging towards her son, and it was clear that she was setting him up to have an attitude of feeling like he was capable of tackling things in life. Which is something that I didn’t get us a kid - I was often told that I couldn’t do things or the things were beyond my capability and that if my mom didn’t know how to do something that it was basically impossible for me to figure out how to do it as well.

    I was so impressed by their interaction, that when I saw her later while I was checking out, I actually said something to her and after she figured out I wasn’t trying to pick her up, she took a moment and like… just looked satisfied. I was happy with the interaction.

    Beyond the fact that I mostly grew up without a father and my mother was very self focused to the point that it was pretty detrimental to me, I also grew up with undiagnosed ADHD that I only learned about in my early 40s. I am constantly discovering ways that I feel broken in the world, so you are not alone.

  • You are not a machine and you have the right to happiness. I hope you find it.

    I recommend therapy, if you haven’t tried it, and if it’s not working, I suggest different therapists, or different types of therapy. It’s okay to tell a therapist you’re not getting much out of their style/your relationship with them, and ask for their assessment of what you should be looking for. Then go look at that. Keep trying until you find something that clicks.
    If it helps, in your shoes I would view it as a continuation of your parental duties. When she moves out, or maybe has kids of her own, you can continue the relationship with her and your grandchildren as your genuine, authentic, and - perhaps - happy self.