Sounds like you’re stuck in a worst practices mindset.
If I get a timeline for a feature request, then everything can be scheduled, tested, whitelisted, delivered at a reasonable time.
That’s the rarer event - normally it’s more like “the scale head has died and a technician is on the way to replace it” and whilst I modify the program in question to handle this new input, hundreds of staff are standing around and delivery quotas won’t be met.
Is my position arrogant? This is the job.
Sign your damn releases and have the whitelisting done by cert.
I’ll see if this is possible at the site in question, thank you.
It IS bespoke internal development, not for deployment outside of the facility.
The computers running the software exist only to run this software and have no business talking to the internet at all.
IT is provided by an external third party vendor who operate on an inflexible “best practices dogma”.
In a rapidly churning startup phase, where new releases can and do come out constantly to meet production requirements, this one size fits all mentality is impractical.
If you refuse to whitelist the deployment directory, you will be taking 2am calls to whitelist the emergency releases.
No it can’t wait until Monday at 9am, no there will not be a staged roll out and multiple rounds of testing.
I am more than willing to have a chat; you, me and the CEO.
Nah, that was worth watching.
My gut suggests it’s a font issue, like librewolf is using a system font and firefox is using embedded or downloaded fonts.
backing that up with a search, I see there’s lots of people complaining of font rendering issues of various types in the librewolf subreddit:
I don’t know what your fix is, but I hope this helps guide you.
This is how you end up with police making up an “anonymous tip” which allows them to gain a warrant and dig through the personal possessions of anyone they don’t like.
The problem isn’t solve with anonymity, but by actually protecting the whistle blowers.
Can’t tell if you’re joking, but a Request For Comments is effectively a proposal for how a process should be performed.
Some of them are eventually ratified as internet standards by the IETF.
Plenty of them remain useful as defacto standards even without formal acknowledgement.
FOSS is enshitification-hardened, not proof.
VLC remains awesome because the guy (maybe Jean-Baptiste Kempf?) that controls the project has refused to be bought, has in fact refused HUGE sums of money.
The original author of any project has to right to sell it with the corresponding licence changes at any time.
There’s some legal grey area on something like Linux or VLC which have MANY MANY developer hands in the pie, and existing users could certainly fork off the existing releases, but VLC could pivot tomorrow to a for profit company and make future releases of the official VLC a paid product, if they choose too.
Firefox + ublock origin.
I just clicked through a few long youtube videos without hitting any ads.
edit: my apologies, I missed your iOS problem.
This is basically a botspam talking point.
It doesn’t matter.
If you’ve got bad cables, you should do the same thing you would do with a bad iPhone cable or any other cable that no longer serves its purpose - recycle it.
Now buy another cable that’s actually good, if you don’t know which one that should be, maybe find out which ones your phone provider sells.
This is a self correcting issue over time.