• 41 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • For anyone who didn’t want to take the time to watch the whole video, the consensus is that occasional moderate drinking is essentially fine, but there’s no amount of alcohol that is somehow “beneficial to your health” in any way.

    For me personally any amount of alcohol is terrible, because if I have just one beer I’ll be irritated until I get enough additional drinks that I can get blackout drunk, which is one of the reasons I don’t drink at all anymore

  • According to Google you can live in Canada and collect US social security benefits. You will probably have to pay taxes in both countries though, especially if you’re still working. To become a Canadian citizen you have to live there permanently and pay taxes for at least three years before you can even be considered for citizenship and even then it looks like there is a lot of other stuff you have to do

    Keep in mind too that social security benefits aren’t that much. Unless you’ve already saved enough to pay off this “cabin or house” up front, then you’ll most likely be paying a mortgage, property taxes, you’ll need money for utilities and groceries, AND you’ll be paying taxes to both the US and Canada. Unless you’re already independently wealthy then you’ll probably have to get either a full time or part time job.

    The only way I can see this working the way you’ve described is if you’re already of retirement age and can also collect a pension from a job you already have that could help supplement your social security benefits maybe

  • I thought it was really good and the twists and turns really kept me on the edge of my seat! It’s one of the few times I’ve watched a non linear film like that where it actually worked lol! There was only one thing that really annoyed me though:


    If you were overdosing on ketamine, would snorting a whole bag of cocaine actually make you just totally fine afterwards? It seems like he would just have a heart attack like almost immediately wouldn’t he?