The short answer is that we haven’t really become any more hateful or cruel, however a VERY vocal minority of Americans have lost their goddamned minds and want to drag the rest of us down with them. Those are the people you’re hearing from and they make the rest of us look awful
I hit 3 years last September! The urge never really goes away, but it gets easier the longer you stick with it!
For anyone who didn’t want to take the time to watch the whole video, the consensus is that occasional moderate drinking is essentially fine, but there’s no amount of alcohol that is somehow “beneficial to your health” in any way.
For me personally any amount of alcohol is terrible, because if I have just one beer I’ll be irritated until I get enough additional drinks that I can get blackout drunk, which is one of the reasons I don’t drink at all anymore
When you say that you only find people who are “out of your league” attractive, you’re basically saying that you expect the person you want to date to hold themselves to a higher standard than you are willing to apply towards yourself. Essentially you feel entitled to a partner who will work diligently to be the person you feel you deserve, but you’re not willing to do the same for them.
There are two solutions to this problem: either you can put in the effort to raise yourself to the same standards that you expect from others, or you can lower your expectations.
Stop blaming made up “leagues” for your problems.
It’s a social media site, not a dating site so maybe it’s just what they say? Maybe they just want to meet other female friends? Have you never wanted to hang out with just your guy friends and do guy stuff before?
Maybe they’re just looking to make new friends and don’t want a bunch of thirsty guys hitting on them in their DMs?
Looking at the mod log it appears you were temporarily banned from the news community for repeatedly violating the community rules. It says the ban will be lifted in 1 day.
The only people he cares about being popular with are extreme right wing fanatics and other billionaires who are propping him up. All of these people have a weird “survival of the fittest” fetish so they probably won’t be pushing to help anyone who actually needs it
It’s sort of up in the air right now. He’s made a lot of promises to not cut social security benefits, but the tax cuts he wants to give the rich and his insane tarrifs plan both threaten to deplete funding for social security within a few years. Hopefully nothing bad will happen but benefits definitely aren’t going to get any better.
According to Google you can live in Canada and collect US social security benefits. You will probably have to pay taxes in both countries though, especially if you’re still working. To become a Canadian citizen you have to live there permanently and pay taxes for at least three years before you can even be considered for citizenship and even then it looks like there is a lot of other stuff you have to do
Keep in mind too that social security benefits aren’t that much. Unless you’ve already saved enough to pay off this “cabin or house” up front, then you’ll most likely be paying a mortgage, property taxes, you’ll need money for utilities and groceries, AND you’ll be paying taxes to both the US and Canada. Unless you’re already independently wealthy then you’ll probably have to get either a full time or part time job.
The only way I can see this working the way you’ve described is if you’re already of retirement age and can also collect a pension from a job you already have that could help supplement your social security benefits maybe
You would prefer all malls everywhere be shut down indefinitely?
If you’re basically living in one or two rooms in an otherwise unoccupied house then the space heater is probably better since you won’t have to deal with the thermostat being in another area.
If you’re going to need heat in different rooms all over the house then I’d say let the central heat do it’s job. You really don’t want to deal with running around opening and closing vents and having to warm up another room every time you need to go in there. It will be a pain in the ass and probably cost a lot more.
As long as you’re not selling the phone afterwards I’d say the only thing stopping you would be the skill and knowledge required to do such a thing and the necessary tools.
Keep in mind most of the parts you’re talking about are to some extent proprietary and specifically designed not to be cross compatible, so that may be a big hurdle
I thought it was really good and the twists and turns really kept me on the edge of my seat! It’s one of the few times I’ve watched a non linear film like that where it actually worked lol! There was only one thing that really annoyed me though:
If you were overdosing on ketamine, would snorting a whole bag of cocaine actually make you just totally fine afterwards? It seems like he would just have a heart attack like almost immediately wouldn’t he?
Is this still a thing that people get upset about though? Personally I think a man sitting down just to pee is kind of silly, but I certainly wouldn’t make fun or get upset about it. I think the last time I heard someone make a joke about men sitting to pee was like 15 years ago lol
Get some big shipping envelopes, fill each one with as much junk mail as it will hold, mail them back to whichever companies send you the most junk mail. It works even better if any of the junk mail came with a prepaid return envelope.
Looks pretty cool! The art style kind of reminds me of Dethklok lol I’d like to see the rest of the story!
Next time just go take it. No one will care. They might even help you lol
Could you give more details about what you mean by “homemade internet”? The first thing I thought of was just a LAN or Intranet which I see many people have already suggested but I feel like that may not be what you’re actually talking about
If you remove the 4th panel then this accurately describes call center customer service