Have you played AI War? Or AI War 2?
Have you played AI War? Or AI War 2?
Depends on what’s collecting the information. If it’s a website, then the client-side code could most certainly normalize everything to UTC based on the browsers time zone before submitting. That’s what I would probably do, if the user’s time zone isn’t needed or wanted…
A two way transaction would be me giving you $3 for a loaf of bread.
I’m referring to this as a one way transaction like if I were to donate to a charity.
You said deal in roubles, implying a two way transaction. This is a one way transaction from Russia to the UN climate funding program.
Did you read the article? The UN opened an account for Russia to pay into the UN climate funding program while the bank tried to ask the US if it can pay into that specific program in rubles.
You should read more than a headline before jumping to conclusions.
Don’t speak the name of that horror!
It seems likely Israel will succeed in clearing the West Bank
The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are different areas. Hamas doesn’t control the West Bank, so what are you on about?
You don’t use CrowdStrike presumably