Can confirm: it’s a great game and really worth it! Loved the dark atmosphere as well.
Belgian, libertarian-marxist, political philosopher, civil servant, cat-dad.
Long live the Red Republic!
Can confirm: it’s a great game and really worth it! Loved the dark atmosphere as well.
Overuse of emojis can also really be annoying for people using screen readers. They clapping hands get clapping hand to clapping hands hear clapping hands something clapping hands like clapping hands this. So it’s also an accessibility issue.
I don’t have nor do I want shares in the arms industry. I’m not a fucking ghoul.
More money for the death-machine and profits for the shareholders, hurray!
I’m afraid it’s mostly that last one.
Watch people flock to yet another corporate social media honeypot instead of going for something less dystopian.
The English peasantry has to be reminded of their place in society!
I think you’ll find that the conflict is quite a bit older than Hamas is.
Really goes for almost everything. I don’t want my machines and appliances to be ‘smart’ and ‘connected’. I just want them to do the thing I use them for, that’s it.
Are those still playable? Loved those, great vibe!
The political agenda of… checks notes making the world a better place to live.
Played Dredge on the Steam Deck, which was a nice, relaxing experience.
Besides that I’ve been playing Blood: Fresh Supply on my beefy gaming pc. Great fun, much glee when blowing up hordes of cultists.
All cowards.
I’m pretty sure that Hamburg isn’t such an area, and that SUV’s are a totally unecessery folly there. This isn’t hurting working class families. (Also, people like you do have power, organize)
These type of actions do have an effect in SUV sales though.
No form of protest is acceptable to liberals (let alone conservatives). When you peacefully protest, no one pays attention, when you damage private property, everybody screams, when you are disruptive while not damaging said private property, you’re still a dick. So who cares, keep on going.
Been playing Assassin’s Creed Odessey lately. It’s fun and big, but I think, ultimately, Origins was a better game. There was a lot more cultural diversity present and they changed some mechanics for the worse imho. But it’s kinda cool how smooth it runs on my Linux machine!
I didn’t even know it had released yet. And at my job they’re still using 10.
Anger and hate are not the same. Anger can be a healthy emotion to signal your (personal) boundaries. Not feeling hate is admirable and I think it’s entirely possible, sure.