Hmm, stickers asides, from the trailer I guess this seems like a “point and click” adventure game!
I kinda liked these kinds of games before, but must admit that I haven’t really played those kinds of games that much in recent years.
Hmm, stickers asides, from the trailer I guess this seems like a “point and click” adventure game!
I kinda liked these kinds of games before, but must admit that I haven’t really played those kinds of games that much in recent years.
Started playing Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE by the Danganronpa team, it really does feel like a Danganronpa style game but with a new setting! Kinda refreshing now to get a new setting and not have the story “locked” by the Danganronpa setting, actually.
Also I got back into Hyper Light Drifter, which I played a bit a few years ago, but it didn’t quite “click” with me. I think I found the map confusing. However this time I managed to understand how to navigate better, and got more into the game!
I wouldn’t say that nobody ever should use straws, but there are definitely a lot of people who use straws even when it’s not necessary, like when they’re just sitting in a restaurant eating.
I can agree that having a straw is easier for takeaway eaten on the go or in the car too, for example.
Thanks for the tip, I’ll have a look!
Yeah, just an addon to automatically redirect all Reddit links to the old.reddit.com version would already make Firefox addon support on Android super useful for me!
Since Reddit threads are still sometimes the only results when searching for questions to uncommon issues.
Man, they are still not selling them in Norway, so only one shop has them as a “special import”, and it cost 827GBP for even the 64GB version lol.
Oh well, not as if it is that useful for me since I am usually at home almost all the time after work anyways. I have barely even used the Nintendo Switch’s portable mode.
Man, I never got around to play the first game.
No need to worry about pulling off the style because no one can wear these with style anyways
Maybe it’s commentary on how food products in the US are becoming more and more artificial so that milk is now just water with food coloring. /s
I read some interview about how they had to “nerf” the headcrabs by making them latch on to your chest instead of actually your face because it was too intense for VR, haha
Loved the game!
Integration with Google Assistant smart speakers is the main reason I would want to use Google Tasks instead of other Todo solutions. In particular, asking Google to add groceries to my shopping list while I’m cooking, so that I don’t need to bring out my phone and tap it in manually since my hands are occupied or dirty.
But the integration has sucked for so long that I had pretty much given it up. Maybe if it really actually works now (instead of putting my tasks into various other Google services), I will give Google Tasks another shot.
Oh, that looks interesting but with a high learning curve, haha! Kinda interested in trying it, but not sure if it supports Norwegian characters though.
Haha right!
I missed that there is a percentage after beating the game, will have to check when I get home.
I am probably also quite low. I feel like I have skipped over a lot of the map because I would constantly use the towers or just teleporting to the sky islands to glide directly to locations instead of traveling over land and discovering stuff…
Oh yeah this is the Nintendo sub, but anyhows: Arknights has a new event and Fate/Grand Order has released the final part of it’s latest story chapter, I am looking forward to playing through the story in those two mobile games as soon as I have time.
Then after that possibly try to find the rest of the armor pieces in Tears of the Kingdom, unless I get too tempted to get started on Master Detective Archives: Rain Code instead.
I looked up cellulose and it does say that it is used in some drugs and other consumables yeah, but it’s still indigestible, so it wouldn’t give you any nutrients to survive if eaten by itself, I guess.
Oh right, I just remembered that Norway did make something like “bark bread” in the past during famines, and that linked Wikipedia article says:
The inner bark is the only part of a tree trunk that is actually edible; the remaining bark and wood is made up of cellulose, which most animals, including humans, cannot digest.
I just got started testing Google Bard, so I fed this question to it and got this reply:
No, humans cannot eat wood. Wood is made of cellulose, which is a type of fiber that is not digestible by humans. If you eat wood, it will pass through your digestive system without being absorbed. In some cases, eating wood can cause blockages in the digestive tract, which can be dangerous.
There are some animals that can eat wood, such as termites and beavers. These animals have special enzymes that help them to digest cellulose. Humans do not have these enzymes, so we cannot eat wood without getting sick.
Aha, I found this this video for global total sales over time, which shows that the Switch passed the Wii last year. Kinda interesting to see the comparisons!