Nothing really shows just how dismal the situation is better than the fact that talking about the genocide is a quick way to be deplatformed. The zionists are being protected by all the major social media companies and other media giants.
Venting is fun
Nothing really shows just how dismal the situation is better than the fact that talking about the genocide is a quick way to be deplatformed. The zionists are being protected by all the major social media companies and other media giants.
I think what really gets my goat is the double think around Israel. The same people who firmly believe that jewish folks are evil lizard men from space and control the world are also violently opposed to any ceasefire and call anyone pro-Palestine a Hamas terrorist. That seems less like cognitive dissonance and more like full on schizophrenia.
Now that’s just unfortunate, I was planning on buying that. It must not even be good propaganda.
A certain intelligence community has been hard at work minimizing the contribution of the Soviets to ending WW2. It’s gotten so bad, I expect the next WW2 era first person shooter won’t be having a Russian campaign this time.
Who’d have thunk it
One day very soon, something is going to wake people up to the reality that they’ve been so scared by Russia and China that they’ve opened the door for a new Nazi regime.
Isn’t it weird how we’ve collectively gone back in time 50 years to the Cold War? It’s become more and more common to hear libs and conservative call each other commies, the Hammer and Sickle are being banned, and Capitalists talk about the Russian Federation like it’s the actual Soviet Union.
The fact that Elon can make all these nonsensical decisions, like changing the name, allowing nazi propaganda, getting rid of the block feature, and no one can stop him is terrifying.
It’s the perfect microcosm of the problem with Capitalism: Shady rich people running everything with zero accountability or oversight.
That’s just inhuman. Seriously are cops human? What kind of person can do something like this and then just go home like it’s no big deal? Are they even aware this woman died? Do they care, feel remorse?
The worst part is that more and more websites are either trying to force you to give up adblock or have ways to get around it. There’s only like one website I whitelist and that’s because they offer an valuable service to me.