An article exploiting Trump’s image to gather traffic while telling us media doesn’t grasp Trump’s manipulation of the media…got it.
An article exploiting Trump’s image to gather traffic while telling us media doesn’t grasp Trump’s manipulation of the media…got it.
Funny thing is that immigration is a matter of two parties: the receiving country and the country of origin. Even if the Supreme Court of the US says it’s OK for Texas to deport…Texas doesn’t have any agreement with Mexico or any other country to deport people to.
Mexico already said they only have an agreement with the US…not with f’ing Texas.
So, any caught immigrants in Texas will either have to be shipped to some country that will take them, or be kept in Texas jail.
Either way, it will be expensive. It will create a humanitarian crises, and it will create an unsafe situation for Americans abroad, in particular in Mexico.
The Supreme Court has forgotten that International agreements take precedence over local laws.
They actually caused a lot of harm, constantly…they just didn’t mean it.
Hey! That stadium for Bret Favre won’t pay for itself!
Much like with Katrina, Acapulco has been completely destroyed.
Unlike Katrina, there’s absolutely zero support for the people of Acapulco. The Army or the Navy didn’t get there. There were no shelters. No food distribution, no local or state government.
While the Red Cross was able to get there, the government is now saying they won’t let humanitarian relief get there, and only the army will help…of course, the army wasn’t even able to get the president to Acapulco, because the idiot decided to go by land…and hit stuck in mud.
Homes in Acapulco are not insured, and the fund for disasters that the coincided to have to help in situations like this has been depleted.
I don’t condone stealing…but there are no food supplies and people needed to get something. The looters that took TVs, and such…personally I thought it was stupid…and then I realized something: In a video someone yelled: “Walmart is insured…”. These people know they have lost it all, and they will never get it back. There ways of providing for their family are gone. As a human, I don’t blame them from wanting to get back something…I think it’s kind of dumb…but now I get why they did it. Walmart will get paid, but their life’s are ruined.
This dude paraded Russian troops during Mexico’s Independence Day. I take what he says with a grain of salt.
Hard pass.
Violence is beyond Afghanistan levels. I just came from there. The country is declining rapidly. Truckers are robbed and killed in main highways every day in broad daylight. Hours upon hours of waiting in traffic because cartel blockades or protests against them, with little show of the National Guard. Pollution is horrendous. Small towns seemed abandoned.
I hope the US is willing to protect its investments there.
Mexico’s constitution always allowed for abortions in cases of rape or danger to the mother or fetus.
Agree. They have the best batteries and were ground breaking on the things they provided…but darn, those cars are louder inside than my Toyota Camry.
And yes, to an extent we haven’t invested in a Tesla because of Musk. My wife can’t stand him. We’ve postponed buying an electric and we’re looking to see how PoleStar develops. At least for our entry point.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a mass exodus. If we want to use that word: It’s not like all of Egypt left Egypt because of the Pharaoh…this is still a good place to be in. Away from the pettiness I see in the main media.
An article exploiting Trump’s image to gather traffic while telling us media doesn’t grasp Trump’s manipulation of the media…got it.