Just tried out Libation for the first time this week, very happy so far. Further testing of results is still required, but this was an excellent suggestion.
Just tried out Libation for the first time this week, very happy so far. Further testing of results is still required, but this was an excellent suggestion.
Finally got around to backing up my over 200 audiobooks in a DRM-free format after this post reminded me it was on my to-do list. Libation is pretty damn good.
You should if you want to be a science writer or academic, which lets be honest is a better comparison here. If your job involves latin for names and descriptions then you probably should take at least a year or two of latin if you don’t want to make mistakes here and there out of ignorance.
Depending on your forecasted capacity needs, Ubiquity does have some attractive options depending on your comfort with managed vs unmanaged switches is. I am making some assumptions based on homelab tendencies. I have been very happy with the UniFi ecosystem personally, though I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. The Dream Machine Pro has been very good for me both operationally and reliability wise, and there are expansion options for 10Gb Ethernet or SFP+ switches that cover most (pro/prosumer) price ranges.
They are definitely not the best bang for buck necessarily, and I have not tried any MikroTik alternatives to directly compare so take my opinions with a big grain of salt. I work in a purely Cisco environment and am used to working almost exclusively in CLI, but I found the UniFi GUI and environment easy enough to pick up with a little effort. UniFi firewall is too permissive by default if you are using something like the Dream Machine as the front end, but as a Boundary non-expert it was not too difficult to configure satisfactorily. Wireless APs are pretty great too.
And there you go from the moral/intellectual high ground, mocking them as toddlers and saying it’s right and normal to laugh and make fun of them.
I can’t stand vaccine hesitancy and anti-science bullshit. I’ve had to deal with this becoming a Fox News thing in my own family, and lost too many people from alternative “Eastern” medicine over “Western” medical science. But the mockery and ridicule only feeds into the Christian persecution complex most of that rural white population already embraces, and causes the wagons to circle.
I don’t think those are inherently opposed, the whole point of libertarianism being about liberty. Power gained through free market principles is no different than any other power, and thus can and should be opposed through competing ideas/services. If I don’t like your service being provided, I or anyone should be free to provide a competing service that matches my needs/values.
Being a libertarian doesn’t require keeping Fountainhead as your Bible and worshipping at the feet of oligarchs instead of politicians/the State, and I would argue selling your soul to the company store is as antithetical to liberty as selling your soul to a centralized State. But as you’ve indirectly mentioned, there is a rather huge spectrum under the libertarian umbrella.
I won’t speak for other libertarians, as I know there are those that think do worship the oligarchy, and many of my views do probably put me on the left side of libertarianism. If I didn’t believe that government has a role is keeping free markets free and providing stability and peace for liberty to exist (most fiscally conservatively paid for by collapsing all social safety nets into an actual UBI requiring miniscule overhead, Universal Healthcare, and more Georgist tax codes), I’d probably be closer to the anarcho-capitalists maybe? Maybe some offshoot or flavor of Minarchist?
This may only be within the range of human hearing, and you can and do still suffer damage from excessive amplitude by frequencies above and below what is human detectable. ANC is not a protective technology for this reason, it is a quality of life technology.
Everyone has a right to work, but your right to work doesn’t supercede your other rights as an employer to set the terms you are willing to hire under. If your plumbing or electrical breaks or needs upgrading, you get to set the terms you are willing to hire to do the work. If that means no one takes your job or you get shitty and unprofessional results, that’s on you. Bob the janky handyman doesn’t get to say he has a right to work so you are required to hire him at whatever rates he demands. It’s a two-way compact.
If you can demand employment as a right, it eventually won’t be eirher the employer or the employee making the decision where you work or for how much, it’ll be the authority enforcing that right to work. The needle swinging too far in either direction between late stage capitalism and State planned economies is bad, and strong regulation and strong worker’s protections is needed to keep the gauge in the green zone.
That’s a two way street: if a company is fine with getting bottom of the barrel quality of work for bottom of the barrel pay, or with just not filling the positions, it’s their right to shoot themselves in the foot. Outside of legal minimums, no one owes anyone anything.
To quote the great boxer Ivan Drago, “if ‘company’ dies, it dies”. It might be stupid to ignore labor markets, and chasing quarterly profits at the expense of the company’s future is ultimately sociopathic and self-defeating in the long run, but that doesn’t change the basis.
If you are forced to provide a job to anyone that wants one because having any job entirely on your own terms is a right, then you have found yourself in a State planned economy and it won’t be you making the decision on where you work; please report to the Bureau of Labor to be assigned your labor role.
Just designate the area as an “open air campus” and then you’re good to go.
There is a reason the tall masted rigged ships disappeared for regular travel; most people don’t want to take a month to cross the ocean in close quarters. Cruise ships are the closest analog to a long haul jet, and are no better to twice as CO2 producing than the airline travel, and the fuel they burn is the lowest grade fuel oil with the worst additional pollution. If you are moving across the ocean, or even just traveling, most people won’t be able to pilot their own sailing yacht and take 15-30 days to do it.
What is your plan for intercontinental travel? Increased ship travel, taking a week and burning massive amounts of crude fuel oil? Just cut off the Americas and Australia from Europe, Africa and Asia for non-commercial purposes? The supersonics have mostly been used for trans-atlantic and trans-pacific travel.
You sound like the barely middle class referring to the homeless. “It’s on them to fix themselves, not society. I smoked pot and drank in college, but I didn’t fall into addiction and lose my job and my home. That’s the homless’ problem: lack of personal accountability and willpower to get clean and sober and maintain a job.”
Making substance abuse a stigma instead of recognizing it as a physical and mental health condition hasn’t helped the homeless population pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Recognizing incelism as needing mental health treatment is no different. If it’s obviously a problem, it affects society, maybe we should look at it instead of turning out noses up and pretend not to see the problems.
Seems like Trump isn’t the only person with a selectively blind cult judging by the down votes and angry replies. Any opinion that we should be able to do better than Biden around Lemmy gets flamed way too hard to be reasonable.
While God isn’t real, it is a colloquial term for natural or inherent rights. All of the rights acknowledged in the Bill of Rights are considered natural rights.
Then do it. Get the 75% super majority that you seem believe exists who agree with you that the right to bear arms should be taken away, and amend the constitution.
I don’t believe it did at the time, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has been by now. I did keep 11 on one of my laptops because it honestly isn’t horrible on a single display.
Little problems here and there for me personally, but the deal breaker for me is that over/under monitor configuration is impossible because Microsoft insists that the taskbar must be locked in the same place on all monitors and it cannot be placed at the top of the display. If they want to force lockdown to iOS levels of “customization” because I apparently cannot be trusted to organize my own desktop, they can fuck right off.
Yeah, and give it another 100 years or so, a veritable eye blink in the timeline discussed, and meat will be lab grown or replaced with something else. Essentially complaining that civilization is taking more than a generation or two to advance in specific places is mildly mind boggling, because civilization almost never moves that fast. Not everything moves at the speed of the development of powered flight, and meat has an unfathomable level of inertia being on the base of the hierarchy of needs.
Lemmying in the bathroom as one does, and you caused me to drop another Seagal by trying to hold my laugh in. I salute you.