r/combatfootage has glorified violence for years now. That’s the only reason it exists.
I"m wondering if Trump’s election was part of the fucking plan to begin with.
Would it surprise or upset you if someone said that the establishment had always been indifferent to a Trump win?
F, QBASIC was the first logical programming language I learned in high school back in 2004. It was extremely outdated back then but BASIC (in it’s various forms) is hard to beat when it comes to learning the fundamentals.
I get it. I came to similar conclusions sometime between Hillary’s loss and the end of the 2020 primaries. -Trump is not some intellectual mastermind, it takes a special amount of arrogance on behalf of his opponents to lose a presidential campaign against him. To think the Dem party lost to him twice…
If you truly want to see how much effort the Democrat party wastes punching Left, then stick with your convictions about organnizing and voting third party up through the next presidential election.
“We as a country will abandon them to bleed on the battlefield or die in their homes at the hands of invading…”
It’s the American way.
Yeah, but you don’t understand. It’s Kamala’s turn. she deserves it.
-That strategy has never failed the Democrat party before.
Damn! If only Al Gore had put more effort into campaigning in Florida, or if the Supreme Court didn’t put their fingers on the scale.
Also I noticed you didn’t throw out the Libertarian party numbers or Reform Party numbers…
is Rust ready for this?
I’m sure that they have just as I’m sure that they aren’t.
I’m not sure how anyone can consider the act of rape to be in any way acceptable.
“65% of Israeli Jews defend violent sex offenses.”
since when was ignorance ever a real legal defense, anyways?
So it looks like the CEO of mozilla is bleeding firefox to pad his salary. Thats disappointing. Are we sure firefox wasn’t simply taken over by a private-equity firm?
The users most likely to complain are also the users least likely to stop using their products.
A day late and a dollar short.
…since its been two years…
Ten. It’s been ten years and the fact that so many people ignore this unfortunately makes the “Russian assets” argument look all that more legitimate. –It is a dumb argument but people really need to stop acting like this just started in 2022.
They apparently don’t do procreation, either.