wow, champion right here
I moved to Linux about 2 years ago. It instantly felt better in terms of security, privacy and speed.
But there were many weeks of frustration trying to get things the way I wanted.
A bit like moving to a new town, you don’t know where things are, you miss so many things about your old town, but gradually you learn about the new town and all its features and are glad you moved.
“I have never felt so Alive!”
This is amazing!
What can we do?
Awesome, literally.
Wholesale or Retail? I couldn’t read the article.
So Clint Eastwood = Limestone Slab Eastwood
Nicely said!
Worth a try, and we will at least gain some knowledge.
I feel we are going to need every little bit of help in the coming years.
Love it, and it’s a series!
I can imagine you waiting … 3 birds … 2 birds … 0 birds …
Like a painting!
You’d think she would be happier.
Wow, beautiful.
Some days after our old cat passed away we noticed birds singing in our garden.
More simply:
Farmer fed animal and got egg. Woman put on orange hat. Duck quacked at cat.