He also said that emails sent directly to a .MIL domain to Malian addresses are “blocked before they leave the .mil domain
Seems this guy is proven wrong 117000 times, at least :-)
He also said that emails sent directly to a .MIL domain to Malian addresses are “blocked before they leave the .mil domain
Seems this guy is proven wrong 117000 times, at least :-)
looked into ZFS but if I use that it halves the available disk space to 2TB.
Look harder :-)
ZFS can do it either way.
Telling us that you formed the iron spherules by your hand… :-)
Spherules, hm? :-)
Pieces of iron, hm?
Remember, iron wasn’t good enough to build the space shuttles. Iron comes down through the atmosphere, iron liquefies from the heat, forms a little droplet, falls into the ocean, cools down, gets hard again, gets picked up by scientist…
Just my own super scientific theory
Why waste our time with boring facts when we already have our opinions?
I don’t get it. Maybe I’m dumb… but:
If I am used to work with command line tools, then what do I need this GUI for?
So they understood absolutely nothing of what all the scientists said only a few weeks ago: make a pause with training new AI’s!