Fincher, Fassenbender, Tilda Swinton and Trent Reznor on the soundtrack. How could this be a no?
Fincher, Fassenbender, Tilda Swinton and Trent Reznor on the soundtrack. How could this be a no?
This just keeps getting better and better!
Oh that’s a shame, it was great being able to split tasks between 2 of you
Thanks for letting me know, can’t wait to play it!
I didn’t realise it had already been released. Definitely getting the game ASAP. The couch coop of the last game was great, hopefully it’ll be the same/similar for this one
There was an interesting study done on a city hear me which said that the lack of trees and general built design of the area had made the city’s temp go up by between 2-5C. Which is a big difference!
We desperately need regulation for people and workers in extreme temperatures. We’ll be dealing with more and more of it as times goes on so the protections need to be in place.
There have been so many targeted projects to weaken the publics understanding of climate change as a whole and activists personally. It’s high time that these companies reinvest their record breaking profits into fixing the problem they have a large hand in creating.
This is the problem, people have been quietly talking about this issue and trying to convince people for decades. Barely anything has happened. Protest is supposed to be inconvenient. Not sure whether this type to protest works, but the quiet, passive way certainly doesn’t.
We do need action on all levels of society, and we need to be treating this as a crisis.
On a local level (in the UK) there are a lot more community and Council groups being setup to try and find solutions I would absolutely recommend attending those.
Other than that, ensure your pension is invested in green and eco investments and try to fly less (maybe even drive less).
I have the same large Dutch oven and we use that and a cast iron pan for basically everything. I envy your le creuset collection we barely have space for the Dutch oven!