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Searching for stuff is polluted by AI generated stupidly long and full of unnecessary explanations.
What is X?
Why would you use X?
What are the advantages of X?
What are the disadvantages of X?
The history of X
then, finally, after 36 paragraphs:
How to use X
Turn the switch on while holding the X button
You have a point. After I wrote it I thought of 2 things. Firstly, even those that are lucky enough to travel will never travel everywhere. So, how can they claim the best without having seen all possibilities? Secondly, there are ways to learn and /or experience things without being physically present, like read about it in a book, or watch a documentary. That counts for something.
Now I think about it, I could have changed it to:
"I live in the best country on the planet!”
“Really? How do you know? How do you measure that? What evidence do you have to back that up?”
But, it would probably go all downhill from there, as the original one inevitably would…😆
“I live in the best country on the planet!”
“Have you ever been to another country?”
“Well, no. But why would I do that when I’m already in the best country!”
This doesn’t apply to just the US…
But if I did, my car would sound like a racecar!
This is going to be a tough decision…
I’d definitely need a change of underwear lol
There are some songs that are so good that the notes don’t matter. But the guitar bits just don’t hit the same…
Spent some time on his channel. Some really interesting tunes, and I couldn’t resist this one. You have to post if you liked it.
I sometimes think about the alternate universe where battery electric cars became dominant instead of the internal combustion engine…
State generalities and personal experiences as fact.
State facts and sources.
Response: “Well, I don’t believe that”
System is working as designed. Not a bug, WONTFIX
Some of the general statements he made, then provided a bunch of topics behind it as the rationale, each of which was clearly going to be disputed and could be debated for 2 hours alone, was pretty laughable…
Ultimately, it’s not a dialogue, it’s 21 people shaking their fists and baying at the moon.
Way more action than Formula 1.
Very disappointed he didn’t say:
I didn’t notice the Alt-Right ness of this.
I’ve seen this type of generalized, vague, start again questioning across many forums and platforms since forever.
The best approach is to simply go more generalized and vague than their question.
So, if somebody says “Why don’t you respond to criticism?”, just give them a one word question back, like “What?”, “Huh?”, or the minimalist “?”. Maybe even better imply it’s already been addressed with “Addressed above”, “See above”, or “See previous discussion”.
Do not get more specific. Be more vague.
Well there seemed to be no TikTok music, and I wasn’t getting any sound, so I enjoyed myself by watching it a few times and going:
when a plane flew over 😬
Huh? How?
Can’t everyone not the driver rest their hat on their lap?
Hmmmm. If there were only some way of being in a car with a hat without having it on your head.
Guys, guys!
You’re ignoring the real questions!
Are the companies running the prisons profitable and how much should you invest???
Clearly wrong. A dog will be eaten. A cat too.