Routine trip. If the USN wanted to send a message, it would have sent a carrier group.
Routine trip. If the USN wanted to send a message, it would have sent a carrier group.
Often caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals, which can be corrected with medicine.
Get diagnosed and take your meds. It’s a world of difference.
For real. No longer compatible with whatever bullshit Elon is pulling today.
The orange tag says “FUCK YOU” with no further elaboration.
Maybe it’s methane release. Maybe it’s gasses from the sea floor we knew nothing about. We have no fucking clue what climate change is going to look like. PR firms told scientists to put the lowest projections in press releases for the last decade. The real numbers are both grim and proving to be optimistic.
As it turns out, the math was all wrong. Who knows why? Maybe all the Earth’s various systems are interrelated, and when one system collapses it causes dozens of other systems to collapse. Maybe Earth and the delicate balance that enabled life to grow on this planet is a little more sensitive to sudden, radical change than we thought.
Maybe all the people who lied about climate change since the 1970s lied about more shit we’re going to find out about shortly now that we can’t stop it from happening. But they’ll still make their profits and get their taxpayer-funded subsidies, so capitalism is working as intended.
Liberals are dismissive of conservatives. You can only hate people so much when you infantilize them.
The right is too angry to listen, and the left is too arrogant to listen.
This is how democracy dies.
The Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the issues surrounding it are becoming a litmus test for media literacy. The layer of bullshit around it is thick, but it’s also obviously bullshit.
Adding IHRA’s definition to the law would allow the federal Department of Education to restrict funding and other resources to campuses perceived as tolerating anti-Semitism.
The campus crackdown is definitely going too far. Vietnam War protestors were treated the same way. It escalated, and the cops opened fire at Kent State.
The fact that Israel is evil doesn’t make Jews everywhere evil. That needs to be said.
But Israel under Netanyahu is evil as fuck. It’s genocide. That’s the word for what they’re doing. Genocide.
Saying Bibi Netanyahu speaks for all Jews is like saying the KKK speaks for all Christians.
You see, with Effective Altruism, we’ll destroy the world around us to serve a small cadre of ubermensch tech bros, who will then somehow in the next few centuries go into space and put supercomputers on other planets that run simulations of people. You might actually be in one of those simulations right now, so be grateful.
We are very smart and not just reckless, over-indulged douchebags who jerk off to the smell of our own farts.
People who work full-time jobs used to be middle class. Living wages, affordable housing, yearly vacations, etc. Now, working people are still in poverty.
Yeah, the good version of someone like that would be a diplomat, but the untrustworthy version is definitely an opportunist.
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China is threatening the West’s strategic penguin reserves. This cannot be allowed to stand.
I didn’t say I was happy about it. People are desperate. They’re going to vote for chaos knowingly, because the status quo has become unbearable, and the Democrats have decided that pretending there isn’t a problem is a good campaign strategy.
American here, we have amassed more wealth than Rome at its peak, yet a disgusting number of our citizens live in third world conditions. Another disgusting amount of people live in relative comfort, but also in impossible debt that threatens them daily. They will be homeless soon, and they know it.
Our wealth inequality is worse than France before the Revolution, and it increases constantly. The wealthy don’t care. They just want more. They’ll burn the entire fucking planet to ash if it makes them a little more profit.
And Americans pay their utility bills with credit cards. And their grocery bills with credit cards. Their wages go to rent and booze/smoke to get by. Look at the mental health numbers in America and factor in the people worried about getting fired if they admit they’re struggling and ask for help. Factor in the ones who don’t have health insurance and can’t even ask for the help they need.
It’s a fucking nightmare here. And it’s getting worse every day. Trump is going to win for a reason.
The only chance for healthcare reform is to preserve democracy. If Trump wins and legalizes ballot stuffing, state legislatures overturning voters, etc. we won’t have a real election again for a very long time.