Well this is huge. So many good things could come from this
Well this is huge. So many good things could come from this
Based off the tiny amount of info I have about him, I hope he doesn’t gain any more traction.
From the tweet pictured above:
1: The most basic understanding of history shows that asserting that others must conform to your religious beliefs is dangerous. That’s one of the reasons the US is supposed to have separation of Church and State.
2: Intersex people exist. Biology is complicated. This point displays ignorance of rudimentary human genetics and experience.
3: Also stupid. Define flourishing. Egregious profits for a few people at the expense of the majority? The world is not flourishing right now but since the target audience isn’t currently personally dealing with the problems being worsened by the fossil fuel lobby, they can buy into this garbage.
4: ‘Reverse racism’ is a stupid concept. Racism is discrimination based on race / skin color. Conflating that with systemic or institutional racism is just muddying the waters and making people define their terms before even being able to start a conversation.
5: Duh? Mixing in simple, obvious points like this almost serves to make the others sound reasonable if you aren’t paying attention.
6: Parents are responsible for their children. The State is responsible for…well different things depending on your political beliefs. This is a complicated topic that could hardly be addressed in a tweet, let alone a single bullet point.
7: The nuclear family is in many ways a byproduct of industrialization, and the successor to the extended family unit which was the ‘Western’ standard. It marked a shift from purpose to rote productivity. Is that a ‘good’ thing?
The entire presentation shows a platform defined by generation of social animosity. Placing the beliefs of other Americans in the position of ‘other’ and priming an audience to identify with the ‘in group’ and see other Americans as their enemy. I hope as more of the youth gain a political voice, that kind of rhetoric will die out.
I also didn’t want to give Fox News any clicks because I have strong personal feelings about Rupert Murdoch properties after discovering all the lawsuits about Fox’s lack of factuality and the way they talk about their viewers, so apologies if I missed anything covered in the article or miscategorized this guy and his beliefs…but the tweet seemed pretty definitive.
I just got an Apple TV and I’ve been struggling through the setup. Connecting all the accounts, logging into everything and updating everything. I would think by now there would be some way to link accounts and have things manage themselves better.
Every now and then I remember how simple things felt back then. The internet was new and exciting, we didn’t even have cell phones yet. Technology was built with innovation. In some ways we’ve fallen a long way from those days.