it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
it’s a bunch of loose files, basically. If you wanted it actively hosted, you’d just need to put them into a web server, basically.
Well, that’s why raw or flash pasteurized milk is almost impossible to get into supermarkets here in Germany. The regulations are crazy, if it’s possible at all.
They have me by the wallpapers!
Close as “won’t fix”. Easy. That’s what their customer service does to your ticket, too, if it’s too much to handle, so…
Or Trump up some wild charges about tax fraud or something
So we want Google and such to ignore laws when we think they should be ignored? Who decides which is which then?
I don’t get the premise of posts like that. We scold Google and other corps for not following the laws they are supposed to follow (data protection for example).and then we scold them for daring to follow lawmakers, when we don’t like the laws they follow. Which is it?
It’s very premise is the polar opposite of interesting or innovative. It’s pretty much the white bread of Linux: incredibly bland, but will fit into everything that requires bread.
Can we all agree to call this vulnerability “Poobear”?
Here in Germany there is a “sparkling sports water” thing that is apparently infused with oxygen (instead addition to CO2 for sparkle,.idk). Same bullshit. They marketed that as enhancing your power through the O2… You know? The O2 in your stomach where you luckily cannot breathe.
You can make your speakers go BRRRRRRRRR via Home Assistant with it
Breaking news: Water has been found to be wetter than desert sand!
More after the weather report!
Welcome back to TIM BER BORNERS
6w or so in idle, 50w under load with HDDs and RPi combined
Hey, now that’s funny. My cat is named
sudo ulimit - u 31677
I have a hunch the two wouldn’t get along.
Thing is that I got the HDDs lying around already. The hub supplies 5v/3A so powershould not be an issue… Yet who knows… I could try to power the HDDs from a USB power supply with a split cable and see if that helps
HDD, nothing else but the drives connected, doesn’t work
I mean investment less in dollaridoos and more in time and energy.
Anything that ends the bullshit one has to put up with with private trackers is a boon
Yeah, I think you’re looking for Monica at this point.