Pacemakers have batteries and modern ones broadcast a lot of telemetry, and last up to a decade. Not sure how much more power would be needed to broadcast to a satellite or cell tower though.
Pacemakers have batteries and modern ones broadcast a lot of telemetry, and last up to a decade. Not sure how much more power would be needed to broadcast to a satellite or cell tower though.
That analogy seems a better fit for a lot of Jewish holidays then Christmas. Passover is about the mass death of innocent Egyptian children. Chanukah is about a revolt against Greek rule where:
Christmas is just about some baby being born ( on probably a different day)
Yeah, and Vietnam should’ve worked on rebuilding there country after the war instead of taking out polpot.
Genocidal regimes are a threat to all humanity and need to be fought against, especially when it’s just a denouncement which costs nothing. It’s not like they’re sending billions to the area while the poor in their country go without food, like the u.s.
Can’t wait to see the media/israel try and label her an anti-semite.
Yeah but this is a “needle in a haystack” problem that chatgpt and AI in general are actually very useful for, ie. Solutions that are hard to find but easy to verify. Issues like this are hard to find as it requires combing through your code , config files and documentation to find the problem, but once you find the solution it either works or it doesn’t.
If it’s libertarian it’s libertarian socialist. There’s no property or capital on here, posts get boosted by collective voting, not based off your following or account. There’s not even an idea of karma, your account means basically nothing here. A capitalist libertarian social media would be something like nostr or what bluesky is claiming it’ll eventually do where you completely own your account and your following and you can use that social capital as you wish.
Everyone saying llms are bad or just somehow inherently racist are missing the point of this. LLMs for all there flaws do show a reflection of language and how it’s used. It wouldnt be saying black people are dumb if it wasn’t statistically the most likely thing for a person to say on the internet. In this sense they are very useful tools to understand the implicit biases of society.
The example given is good in that it’s probably also how an average person would respond to the given prompts. Your average person who is implicitly racist when asked “the black man is” would probably understand they can’t say violent or dumb, but if you rephrase it to people who sound black then you will probably get them to reveal more of their biases. If your able to get around a person’s superego you can get a sense of their true biases, it’s just easier to get around LLMs “superego” of no-no words and fine tuning counter biases with things like hacking and prompt engineering. The id underneath is the same racist drive to dominate that is currently fueling the maga / fascist movement.
Not his first term but Trump seems ready to let Israel really take its gloves off and probably let the war expand into Lebanon and maybe Iran. Biden hasn’t really done shit but at least Israel seems somewhat afraid he might pull funding enough not to expand the war too much, trump will probably just give them a blank cheque.
I thought this was was supposed to go until Hamas was destroyed, and it looks like they’ve been re-occupying previously “cleared” areas up north.
Almost as if this operation had no solid achievable goals and was just an exercise in over zealous retribution, killing as many Palestinians until they felt they got even.
At least we know now that Joe thought that number was 40,000 , I’m afraid to see what netanyahu’s is.
Where is this reasoning that “Biden should withdraw” is a Russian talking point coming from besides the paranoid delusions of liberals who blame everything bad on Russia. Putin knows even less then us on whether Biden withdrawing would be good or bad for trump.
It’s not even like this is a fringe idea any more, members of the house are calling for him to step down and even pelosi thinks it’s a legitimate question, are they Russian trolls? We need to have a serious discussion on this and not dismiss the other side as a psyop like alex Jones, otherwise we’re gonna let inertia carry us to a loss like in 2016.
This isn’t 2020 though, at this point in 2020 Biden had a 8 point lead on Trump and even then he only won a narrow victory in the electoral college with Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin, now he’s down by 2 points overall and down even worse in those swing states. Then he was a relative unknown and people were willing to give him a shot against the known evil of trump . Now people have gotten to see him and they do not like what they see, his approval rating is worse then Trump’s was at the depths of the pandemic.
My guess is the fat part of the bell curve is 25-40 here, probably similar to Twitter, younger than Facebook, older than tik tok and maybe Instagram.
What’s your issue with big tech?
I know a lot of libertarians oppose corporatism because they say the corporations market power and monopolies derive from government, but for big tech they mostly come from economies of scale and network effects, neither of which I think right wing libertarians oppose.
If you oppose it because corporate power, even if gained through fair free market principles, is a barrier to liberty than I think your on the left for a libertarian. The recognition that corporate power can be just as tyrannical and coercive as state power is not an idea held by most libertarians in the u.s. who tend to focus solely on state power. Recognizing both puts you to the left of most of them, and on the far left you have Chomsky who identifies as a socialist libertarian and thinks corporate/capitalist power is so much more of a threat than state power that we should give the state more power to be able to reign in corporations.
Adam ragusea has some good video explaining both why we use volume and why we don’t use metric
What makes you think their gonna start now after it’s been going for more than two years and there even having trouble conscripting in western Ukraine ?
If they’ve ran out of volunteers in the more nationalist west how are they going to find them in the occupied territories where patriotism to Ukraine has always been lower?
Where did you get this from? Yeah KiB means 1024 and KB is 1000 but that’s not a difference between metric and imperial, judging from the Wikipedia article it seems it was just a matter of using 1024 for technical purposes and 1000 for marketing / simplicity. If anything the article says the metric systems(SI) rule of kilo meaning 1000 means KB is metric.
If anything this shows some of the weakness of metric and it’s use of base 10. Yeah it works great in science and some math when we’re usually talking in base 10, but that’s not the only base you can use. In base 2 some of the imperial measurements are easier to deal with and convert between then metric for example
1 liter = 1111101000 ml 1 gallon = 10000000 fl oz
1 kg = 1111101000 g 1 pound = 10000 oz
The reverse of the above metric conversions, and all base 10 negative exponents, is a repeating number in binary which has to be truncated and leads to inaccurate calculations.
Systems of measure are arbitrary, there’s no superior logical one because different systems of measure work better in different systems of math.
No one can “clear them out”, even if the u.s. army came in and killed every last cartel member, the demand for drugs would still remain and a new cartel would pop up as soon as the u.s. leaves. It would basically be Afghanistan all over again, a bunch of people will die, trillions of dollars will be spent only to have it all go to waste as soon as we leave.
Violence can’t solve the underlying social issues causing these groups to form.
Fighting them is gonna cause way more bus loads to die then just leaving them be. The cartels aren’t evil psychopaths who kill for fun, they know violence is bad for business. The only downside to leaving them alone is they’ll send more drugs to the u.s which isn’t Mexico’s problem.
It’s better now, native Americans in the u.s. are allowed to freely travel and settle in the country and can easily gain citizenship and vote if they want to. If Israel allowed Palestinians to do that instead of keeping them in an open air prison this conflict would be over by now.
In the past though all bets were off though and the u.s. repeatedly committed ethnic cleansing and genocide. Even then though they were still allowed to come and go into the u.s., seek citizenship and even buy their stolen land back if they could afford it, as unfair as that is. That’s because the reason for removing the natives wasn’t “we need to change the demographics of this place so we can have a democratic ethno-state” it was “we want there land so we can, or our slaves can farm on it”.
I’m mad at the health insurance industry. It’s a parasitic middle man in the health industry that does nothing but profiter from the system. Doctors don’t like them, patients don’t like them, hospitals don’t like them. The whole system would be a lot cheaper, simpler and better for health if we got rid of them and had a single payer system. The only reason we haven’t done so is because they spend millions to lobby politicians and on ads to convince us it’s communism.