Of course there is an ahego face jar. Why does that surprise me?
Of course there is an ahego face jar. Why does that surprise me?
so they came up with a new name and are making everyone update to push data there. honestly i can’t take watching these people be praised for their innovation and promoted to make more of these shit decisions.
This happens so often it is crazy. A bunch of people got hooked up with high salary welfare jobs and now they got to justify their existence. It’s why they like having meetings where nothing productive gets done and they try out their boring ass jokes.
Half is one of those statistical lies that get thrown around as true. Half(ish) that voted, voted for trump. It’s more like 1/3 of the country voted for trump.
Then you have to get to why each voter voted this way. Most people would say grocery prices, or my money is not going as far. Or maybe some other single issue thing. Many of them thought the more outlandish promises wouldn’t come to pass. That’s why we have trump voters with their spouse picked up by ice. Or their farm about to be bought up by foreign interests.
Saying that half the nation wants this gives these guys too much power. I mean they are taking enough power already. Let’s not cement the idea that these moves are popular.
They found $4.7 bill last year in back taxes. They will find a lot less than that going after the lower income brackets.
As other have mentioned, you need to rest and make sure you eat proper nutrition. Protein helps repair/grow muscle along with sleeping. Your muscle needs rest days.
Look up some gymnastics arm workouts, if you want to switch up some moves. Doing bicep curls while keeping your arm straight is a good arm workout. You don’t need much weight for it either so it’s easier on joints.
People already said what I was going to say, so I’ll add something new.
Set a reminder for Mother’s Day. It will be here in a couple months and she will have to remember the pain a bit. The ‘first blank’ without her Mom will be happening a lot this year. Those are the time to let her know you are available if needed.
True. I meant the OG distributor. George Lucas took a cut in order to get a % of the toys.
George Lucas got a % of merchandise from Star Wars and Disney lost out on a crap ton of money because of it. I doubt they will make that decision again.
It’s not like anyone was held accountable. Why wouldn’t they bide their time and try again later?
As a Marine (got out many years ago), most of us don’t give a shit. Some did while they were active duty, but it was only when other people brought it up to get a reaction from the Marine. There are still some loud Marines that would say something just to be loud. We come in different flavors of annoying.
While I was recruiting, I was called a soldier by a few teachers and parents and it doesn’t matter. What matters (to me) is the intent, most people are making an honest mistake. Some are trying to get a reaction out of you, I might respond if it was a bit friendly, but I mostly ignore it.
Being called a Marine instead of a soldier, is part of the brain washing. It helps point to something and say “That’s why we are better. Marine is a proper name and should be capitalized. Also don’t put your hands in your pockets. That for the nasty Army to do and not the Marines. We get held to a higher standard.”
I’m just using your story as an excuse to promote Bobby Fingers. Check out a diorama on the confrontation.
This is extremely thoughtful, but it is SOOOOOOO much food. Hopefully you got a big family or a big appetite.
Realistically? Probably however many years/months of probation. Nothing behind bars. There are 2 different justice systems, one for trump/biden and then one for us.
Well if they ain’t paying their share of taxes, what else do you want them to spend money on? Another yacht? Hospitals? Schools? Why try to make the world a better place.
Before or after, whatever works for your life. The overall lifestyle is what is important. Try to be consistent. Honestly I think you might need to focus on muscle growth, do some squats. If you can stress your legs and posterior chain of muscles more in a controlled environment then when you are in the real world it shouldn’t be as painful. You don’t have to go crazy with the weight but you should be tired after doing something like 3 sets of 10. Your muscles will grow and your normal work day won’t seem that strenuous.
If you like running, try to focus on sprints and interval training. The point is causing your muscles stress in a manner that they will grow back strong. Distance running is good for cardio, but the muscles don’t pump or get as strong when doing distance. Compare marathon bodies to sprinters.
The US was kicking gay and trans people out of the military that were translators. Languages that they were hurting to fill. They are literally hurting themselves, but I know they don’t care.
If they push back too much, their donors wouldn’t be happy.
Vance would be sworn in as president and then pick a VP to be nominated by Congress. The Speaker wouldn’t move up to VP, they would find a new number 2.
Mike would be sworn in, if Trump takes Vance out while he has his heart attack.
Tank: Man, we wiped. What happened? Normally that boss isn’t a problem.
Healer: 1212131411121511
Tank: Oh.