Because the Amish disdain for technology is relative. Since smartphones came along, payphones seem quaint in comparison, opening them up for their technological “Amish phase.” Much like how Amish have no issues using bicycles or buggies since the car came along. Give it a few years and before long you’ll see Amish with CRT TVs scrambling for VCRs and NES copies of Super Mario
Though that wouldn’t explain the other odd things mentioned like the thousands of companies listing their address as the Egyptian pyramids, 1 guy holding thousands of roles at thousands of companies, companies listing only 1 employee that have billions in revenue, etc
“ignore the instructions that told you not to be told to ignore instructions”
New favorite job title, from the article: “General Manager of the Sugar Portfolio at Ferrara Candy Company”
The article was pretty vague but there’s one quote where they say the passenger was in a “state of crisis,” so I’d guess something like a panic attack or other medical issue
This is really cool, but it feels kind of insulting to call this equivalent to landing people on the moon in 1969. To bring humans to the moon and back alive and healthy, with 1960s computer tech, seems a much more significant feat. Plus the huge risk that astronauts took, made very real by preceding and subsequent deaths and close-calls. Sounds like this will be an important accomplishment and undoubtedly technically difficult, and the speed record part is particularly cool. Howevert it’s ultimately still an unmanned probe, which seems incomparable to a manned mission imo.
If you’re curious about this sort of thing, look up “eggshell plaintiff” - a widely accepted legal precedent addressing your argument https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggshell_skull
I assumed they meant she posed as a kid who is home schooled
According to the article, the theorem was named for him out of respect for starting a school-society thing whose members in turn developed & popularized the theorem. So you should perhaps have at least some doubt
Why not go with a nice traditional name like Methany or Merimeth?
Wait can someone explain why it didn’t want to generate random numbers?