Public money does matter though. I’m fine with Catalan people having their own culture, in fact i’d prefer Spain to be more decentralized, but anyone thinking this is about culture and not about money is not paying attention.
Public money does matter though. I’m fine with Catalan people having their own culture, in fact i’d prefer Spain to be more decentralized, but anyone thinking this is about culture and not about money is not paying attention.
It was a very poorly done referendum with many people voting multiple times and others not voting because they didn’t recognize their validity.
Putting aside the fact that Catalonia independence is Brexit levels of stupid, It has been used by their politicians to blackmail the government for more funding. Catalonia is a rich and privileged region compared to the rest of Spain.
The amnesty will also cancel debt of all autonous communities of Spain, which disproportionately benefits Catalonia, the community with more debt.
Many protesters are fascist POS, but this time they are right (for the wrong reasons).
South Korea has one of the lower natality rates of the world, having more kids benefits them.
Looks like the chaos symbol to me
Not really, superintensive olive tree plantations in Spain grow to harvest size in about 3 years. It uses a lot of water though.
Saw one in my garden before I knew they existed and had to check if there were hummingbirds in Europe. Very cool creature.
Maybe don’t wage war in Gaza then? It is not truly needed, there are ways to combat terrorism without leveling a city. And let’s not forget Netanyahu funded Hamas because they benefit of the war.