Dude if this doesn’t set off the fucking Christian’s, I don’t know what would.
That’s the point
I thought I read like 3 weeks ago they had no interest anytime soon
Causing disruption is the point, you call your leaders to put further pressure on them to help resolve an act of genocide( in the instance). I have experienced protesters outside my house for a year(I used to live downtown in a major city) and I was always happy to see the masses standing up injustice when I had no idea of the issue. It’s informative and good to know people still have compassion.
If you life is shittier because of a mild inconvenience then you should re evaluate some things friend. I hope you see the light
lol holding hostages, get over yourself!
lol that’s the point. Complain to your local “leader” that their actions (or lack of) are causing you discomfort
Jesus Christ look around it’s been everywhere
This was a really amazing graphic heavy game with minimal bugs, will be very interesting to see how it holds up on a switch
lol check the sauce
I’m glad this was posted here, it’s being censored in so many places and her words twisted
I don’t support the convoy but didn’t they do what most large rallies do anyway? Make noise, block roads and make the news for weeks.
What comes of this court ruling could be dangerous for future protests for things that are truly important. Considering the charges for what seems to be minor crimes and not what was being reported at the time of inciting violence and smuggling I just don’t know what am I missing.
lol yes, students are causing the housing issue /s
I do both :)