He is deporting Americans? That’s your argument? What does it take to become American?
He is deporting Americans? That’s your argument? What does it take to become American?
How or by what were they forced to leave their country?
What refugees?
As long as people keep in mind what Wikipedia is, there should be no issue. There’s a reason teachers never allow it as a source, but it is great as an introduction to any topic, from which point you can further your own research.
That wasn’t so hard, was it? People tripping over themselves to find a gotcha and forgetting to use a little common sense.
Being “cowardly” seemed important to you, so I wanted to clarify.
Wait, are you saying that the people attacked and killed on October 7 were combatants, and not innocent civilians? That’s your argument?
What do you think of dropping in unexpectedly to kill innocent, unarmed civilians, and then running and hiding amongst other civilians hoping that you won’t get attacked in return? Is that cowardly?
Those are the organizations behind October 7th attacks, bus bombings, synagogue bombings, etc where innocent civilians were specifically targeted. They are stated enemies of Israel and the United States, according to them. Why don’t you take their own word for it? Quit stanning for terrorists who would happily blow up the bus you ride on with you in it, and then celebrate killing you.
October 7 was done by terrorists.
Hezbollah is a terrorist group. I never said anything about Lebanon committing terrorism, only that they harbor the Hezbollah terrorists.
I have no idea what you are talking about and I stand by my definition of terrorism.
Edit: also just noticed that you’ve been taking the time to down vote all of my comments. Lol.
It’s just that I have no idea what you are talking about, you have been wrong several times, and refuse to clarify what you mean about anything. Basically this is a dead end conversation.
Are you the same guy who sent me a link and called me an idiot for not reading it even though it supported my point?
I will go with “random attacks on civilians intended to instill fear in a populace”. Now you go
Lebanon is fully involved in this conflict. Hezbollah is entrenched there and arguably the Hezbollah military is stronger than the official Lebanese armed forces. Lebanon can’t or won’t evict the sworn enemies of Israel, and I don’t blame Israel for taking matters into their own hands. And yes they probably would feel the need to coordinate with Turkey or get their permission before trying something similar.
Were these targeted attacks against hezbollah militants (who are sworn enemies of Israel and are responsible for terrorist attacks inside Israel) or were they against random civilians living in Lebanon? How do you define terrorism?
So what’s your point then? I’m only commenting on the hypocrisy of people calling out Israel for targeted attacks on their enemies, the same enemies who have made it clear that they want to kill any Isrealis.
The article you linked says that Israel owns the settlements legally. Are you trolling me?
Lol you answered nothing at all. Did you even read my original question?