No, it’s not. This debt ‘forgiveness’ is not Biden telling banks ‘you’re not getting any money, suck it fuckers’, it is the government paying for it. Where do you think the government gets the money from?
No, it’s not. This debt ‘forgiveness’ is not Biden telling banks ‘you’re not getting any money, suck it fuckers’, it is the government paying for it. Where do you think the government gets the money from?
Because people are still paying it. That’s how you set the price of things. If people are paying 70k why would you sell it cheaper?
Europe’s Florida you could say. So you think that ‘people that struggle should struggle even more to aid people that aren’t struggling nor have struggled ever as much as them’ and you think that’s somehow fair and if the struggling people complaint they are just selfish assholes, did I understand your position correctly?
This isn’t progressive, this just alienates working class voters. Obligatory: not American, but as a poor (European) person that didn’t get to go to uni because I and my family were too poor I’d be absolutely pissed if now I had to pay my bosses’ (and all the other privileged people) debt. Don’t get me wrong, student credits are a most predatory and awful thing, you should make it illegal but the debt people had contracted shouldn’t be payed off by the taxpayer (read workers, the rich aren’t taxed).
Don’t be fooled, taxes are just a way to extract the fruit of the poor folks’ labor and give it to the rich and powerful. Always have been, since their inception. Not just in America, here in the (highly idealized by lemmy) EU I cost my company 3200€ a month, 1850€ go to my bank account and 1350€ to the government, plus up to a 21% vat from the things I purchase. Amazon pays literally 0€ in taxes.
The only realistic option is to try and change the stance of one of the two that can win the election
How would you propose to do that while also offering said party an unconditional vote? I’m not American, but if you have an answer it would be useful here too. Parliamentary systems end up pretty much the same.
This is a fuse box, with a flathead you should be able to open it and/or pull a small tray with the fuse itself inside. You Brits do your electrical wiring with ring-shaped circuits and put a fuse in every outlet.
This kind of outlet is intended for things you don’t unplug and a socket doesn’t make sense, usually boilers, ovens, stoves, ACs, alarm systems as already commented…
Or the pg tips approach: ‘d’ya know what? No more tag or thread for ya now you’ve got to fish and pinch the baggy out of your scolding tea ya wanker’.
Yeah maybe not even non-standard as much as non-formal in this case.
I wanted to mean ‘different from what you learn in English class in school as a kid’ so non-formal, non -standard, dialectal, slang, misspellings, same-sounding words…
More or less my point, languages are weird with lots of arbitrary idiomatic things—‘would rather’ but ‘had better’.
After posting the comment I’ve thought ‘wait, it makes more sense for it to be should’ so my guesses are a bit off today.
That’d be a contraction of ‘would’ in this case, wouldn’t it? As an ESL speaker I used to find these grammar ‘mistakes’ (for lack of a better word) made more difficult for me to parse the sentences. As with code ‘written once but read many times’ would apply here.
I don’t think they asked all the Russian population, that’s not how polls usually work.
How so? Honest question, I can’t seem to find anything that is not super pro-corporations like the prohibition on modding consoles with tens of thousands dollar fines or even prison sentences…
Apple: ‘Mobile platform? Nah this is just a game console’ winks at Nintendo and Sony
We’re all on this bus that’s going 150mph towards the edge of a cliff. I know it can be stopped, but the people driving are talking about ‘slowing to 120mph by 2050’ (but breaking at this pace we will be like 135mph by then) and these armed thugs are protecting them so no other can get up and take the wheel. Call me a doomer all you want but we’re fucked.
You support the government paying the debt, a big chunk of this money comes from people that didn’t get to go to college, so you support them paying off a debt contracted by more privileged people. Which part did I make up?
You didn’t say they are assholes for complaining tho, I got a bit carried away in that part. I’ve seen that point made here in Lemmy a lot, sorry.