It’s basically this when you see that sticker.
It’s basically this when you see that sticker.
Besides the MAC lookup suggestion, have you tried to simply find hostname in local DNS by reverse IP lookup, maybe that would shed some light.
Not sure if there is anything useful, but in browser just check site source, maybe there is something useful there that could help with identification. Does site have certificate? It might include info that would help with identification. Do the standard browser network trace via dev tools F12, maybe something useful appears there.
In nmap you can attempt to guess OS, try that. Additionally it might be possible to get hostname as well.
And have you checked your router to see if this connection is connected to your Wi-Fi AP or Ethernet to narrow things down? If it is not possible to determine this from router, simply connect your main PC to Ethernet, disable AP in router settings and check if IIS site is still up. If it is not, enable AP again, does it come back early or it takes some time?
Lastly, if it still is a mystery, start powering off devices one by one to find the source. Based on comments it seems you have multiple devices, but I assume it would not take that long?
While decentralised systems can be useful it will not be the future. Initially everything was decentralised and then we moved to centralised systems because they are easier to manage, easier to secure, cheaper. The main benefit for decentralisation is that you are not tied to single organization that dictates all the rules. If reddit would have better management, I would move back.
Doubt it, because we have ″Microsoft Government″
It’s often either mentality or high workload. Higher pay will not help in these situations. There are bad corporations and also bad workers.
True, although I think there usually are either signs or site admins give heads up when site is soon to go under. Doubt Reddit or Twitter will be dead any time soon.
I honestly do not think Internet Archive even should be archiving such behemoths like Reddit or Twitter. Only thing it should keep would be currently dead sites.
Even worse when people are accessing these posts through Archive even when there is a live copy. A lot of storage and bandwidth wasted.
What if you would have 2 devices of same type with same OS or just with OS that starts with same letter? Will you use numbers, if yes, how much leading zeroes if any you will use? If you don’t use numbers, will you add a room name? But what if there are 2 devices with same OS in the same room?
I almost dumped Firefox on Android for Chromium based one due to this reason before realising the culprit, many sites were super sluggish and FF often lost cache when I changed between apps.
I am now just using the built in setting, many sites have native dark mode and the ones that don’t - I realised it does not bother me too much.
Need to save those open tabs somewhere + I don’t want 6 windows open if I have 6 categories.
Maybe I never learned how to properly use grouping in Vivaldi, but I concluded that Simple tab groups extension is better for my use case. In Vivaldi it seemed too simple to accidentally open new tab in another group. With STG extension I am always locked in 1 group and do not even see tabs from other groups.
It is. Besides some very niche bugs everything in the core of PowerShell seems logical to me and easy to understand.
I work pretty frequently with PS and have no issues with syntax. It’s easy to read and you always have autocomplete so there is just 1 extra click to get from -r to -Recurse. Same command could be also written as this due to alias feature.
rm 'C:' -r -fo
It’s just not the best practice since in PowerShell it is recommended to not use aliases for readability reasons. Also less chance to mess things up due to how verbose all commands and their parameters are.
You could upgrade for free since Windows 7, why is it suddenly W10 -> W11 path suspicious? There are probably several reasons why these upgrades have been free:
Because it’s their newest OS? Why do you think there is some hidden malicious reason, all software companies want everyone to start using their newest offerings as soon as possible.
Another article about this that makes it clearer.
Kind of. Parent company is based in Netherlands since 2007. Yandex search engine was launched on 1997.
It is great that if someone now buys a new car, they chose EV or hybrid, but this change will definitely hurt those who prefer or can afford only cheap used cars.
Quite a problem in near future. Probably only breakthrough in battery tech (new type, re-use possibilities) will solve this and drive cost down for vehicles.
Keepass2Android supports many cloud options including Nextcloud and OwnCloud so it sync with storage directly. At least with Dropbox it works like a charm.