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Obviously the Russian economy is now so well that they can sell discounted oil to NK as an act of friendship (although they never gave a fuck about them in past). Because it can’t be true that Russia is desperate and even getting just a small amount of money for their oilis better than nothing at all…
Why would he be? He’s happy to be deployed to a position that is all show with no chance of actual fighting.
That’s because those drones aren’t actual weapons. They become ones when merged with existing stocks of old ammunition you already have stocked.
They are (relatively) cheap conversion kits for obsolete shells they have lying around in the 100 thousands and more.
Oh, no! Their debt rose by 1,x percent… to a total of ~64%. That’s nearly 20% under EU average. And while countries with rates of 100-160% (let’s not even talk about Japan or US as they are playing in another league entirely) take on more debt to push the economy in times of crisis Germany is not spending anything as no new debts (beyond 0,35%) are allowed constitutionally.
Sure… Germany totally has a debt problem. One of retarded politicians stuck in economic ideas of the 1970s that still don’t understand the difference between a country’s economy and business economy. So they refuse to take on any debt when everyone else does to make their location more attractive for companies via investments.
And still the German economy is only shrinking if you round rediculous low numbers up to 0,1%. Guess the country will deindustrialise and collaps any day now. I hope someone tells the companies building massive new production sites in Germany that they are wasting their money on lost case they will lose all its industry… somehow…
When your government has taken on debt with the assumption that number keep go up, that’s a problem.
And again, the opposite is true. They have reduced debt constantly for decades, did not spend big sums on stimuli while covid (in fact the recent budgetary discussion was about the unused covid funds) and are still not spending anything on the economy. If they actually would take on debt to invest it into economy boosts like everyone araund them does right now, they would obviously have growth.
So they sat at ~+/-0 now and everyone loudly cries recession, doom and apocalypse because two quarters in a row had a (rounded down) -0.1% which technically qualifies.
Sure… so much common wisdom about Germany. Including their immidiate collaps any day now for the last 20+ years. Or the 5%+ economy loss should they not get Russian gas (after all those people who froze to death of course).
In reality those massive losses -coming out of covid, still having supply chain issues and with not even a fraction of the stimulus money other countries spend to counteract on top of no more gas- are now what? +/-0? And with some more obsolete techs slowly sourcing out parts for cost reasons while new technologies open up shop there at the same time.
The only actual risk for Germany (and a lot of other countries) is that people start to believe the bullshit, the outrage farming and doom scrolling trash and all the usual propaganda they are flodded with on a daily basis.
No, wrong is simply neutral and can mean both.
Which doesn’t mean you aren’t right on principle: we should be more precise and call it the lie it is.
“it would signal that the Biden administration is as serious and unwavering in its desire to provoke and wage large-scale war with China”
Sure… because -as we all know- giving countries threatened the tools to defend themselves is the real aggression.
Welcome to the average tankie’s upside-down world…
Don’t confuse people whose whole narrative is build on some conspiracy of media suppression with facts.
I guess skipping the term “Lügenpresse” to avoid the obvious link was deemed enough progress to keep that same 100 years old tactic alive…
No, actually they would have loved to make it easy. Yet the EU is opposed to it.
So now they are doing it in baby steps to get solid data on every step of the way to show the EU rules are bullshit.
First step: decriminalisation for limited amounts, home growing and private clubs.
Next step: licensed distribution in selective model regions, documented as per agreements with the EU commission.
After that: negotiations with similiarly minded EU countries
Full legalisation can basically only happen with an EU frame work and that will be a marathon…
Now that I had to look up quotes anyway…
He was arguing (on that dead-bird-shitshow) that Jews are using their cultural, financial and media influence to weaponize the West’s guilt around the persecution of Jews against innocent Arabs.
Then he deleted the tweet, to repeat the same in several interviews while at the same time claiming that he’s not allowed to say what he just said live on tv.
In several interviews in British media, where he spoke (uncensored) about censorship in the West being more intense and more rediculous than in China. About the fact that he -while freely talking on TV- is somehow not allowed to freely talk about the truth. And about how “the sense of guilt around the persecution of the Jewish people” is weaponized against Arabs via the “Jewish community’s significant influence in the media, finance and culture in the US”.
The latter btw is the bullshit he originally argued. So he is in fact openly telling us to blame all that evil Jewish influence while at the same complaining that he is not allowed to speak about exactly what he is allowed to repeatedly say in interviews…
I don’t remember the original wording, but I’m pretty sure instantly switching over to “the jews controlling media, culture and finance are the reason I got cancelled” (the oldest page in the book about the jewish world conspiracy) is more than enough to evaluate his views…
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Despite the fact that all they want is EQUAL rights.
And that’s the lie. Try to tell those “equal rights and quotas” people the same should apply to men in jobs heavily dominated by women and a sizeable and very loud part of them will explode in your face screaming and slavering because you dared to even mention the idea of equality.
Yeah, sure. Listing the 7 countries (from the article btw…) that signed an acquisition and cross-servicing agreement with Japan as one unit is so disrespectful… 🤡
The evil Australia-Canada-France-Germany-India-Japan-UK-US axis… 😂
“dressed as women with Muslim headscarves” was the actual description…
Talking about ‘Gotland’ and a ‘maritime shadow war’ might provide some clues to what might happen to Russian ships trying to attack that island. *cough*
Just the the usual Russian posturing bullshit…