True, but I found a flashing colour more informative. I knew instantly what it meant. With an AOD I’d have to look more intently at the phone or bring it closer to my ageing eyes.
True, but I found a flashing colour more informative. I knew instantly what it meant. With an AOD I’d have to look more intently at the phone or bring it closer to my ageing eyes.
I kind of miss it. It was discrete and useful.
Wouldn’t it need to be git rebase -i --root
for the first part?
Divining rods.
I’m only about 160h in, but I’m not sure I can bring myself to do another playthrough. I still have Sekiro to do. I’ve barely started that. Will probably call it a day for ER once I’ve slain Melina.
Elden Ring. Always Elden Ring. It’s massive. Don’t know when I’ll finish everything I want to.
Nope. Duckduck all the way. The only useful thing Bing has (in the UK) is OS maps for map searches.
We usually go out for food once a week (unless we’re having a hard month). Beyond that, it’s usually the same 5–6 dishes over and over again.
In the context of describing oneself, I’d like to think it’s something along the lines of not being afraid to follow your dreams.
Still hasn’t finished installing.
It catches up with all of us eventually. One day you find you just have to start cutting back.