Ahhh you know what. This would help me. Because when I’m stumped, I’m definitely just “blindly” trying different orders of things and getting frustrated. Thank you very much for the tip
Ahhh you know what. This would help me. Because when I’m stumped, I’m definitely just “blindly” trying different orders of things and getting frustrated. Thank you very much for the tip
Thank you very much! Yeah I’m just having problems with remembering where to put the x[y] in loops. I’ve done a few free classes and keep getting hung up on that part. It’s like my brain is having problems grasping it. I showed an example in another comment
Oh I just realized this is for kubernates. Unraid is all dockers. Can a docker swarm also pool resources?
Yeah I’ve actually been using chatgpt as well as a few other resources! My biggest gripe is that chatgpt can’t really teach without showing. I want to understand where my logic was flawed, and be guided towards the correct answer, instead chatgpt will do a good job at explaining what I did wrong, and then showing me the correct code.
So c is a good starter language? Cuz I’m at the point now that I can just stackoverflow my way into making a smaller project, but I really want to learn how this all works and learn the fundamentals so I’m fluent
Yeah I figured that one out from the documentation. I with I saved more of my trial and errors so I could show you guys what I needed help with better. I tried the list.insert(x) and then I would do a list.pop(i+1) as well 😂
I guess what I need help with is I keep messing up where I would put "for x in y: z= y [in position z
I had a few tries with it written
For letter in range(len(chosen_word)) : If letter == guess: Display[I] = letter
But this would grab all the letters and change all blanks to the guess letter
Ah. See, I’m using bootcamps as a intro type of learning. I’ve also been just doing my own thing by learning how to make scrapers and all that (even though that’s kind of cheating because it’s just scrapy) but I’m trying to learn the fundamentals of the language so that I don’t need to just Google “how to do this” I want to be able to just do it
No shit. So you’re saying I can hook up like three mini pcs and make a mega at home server!? I gotta look into this. Did you follow a guide or anything you think is good enough or is as easy as a Google?
Oooh whats a good one called?
Does rancher connect the pcs together? I have like 3 mini pcs sitting around, and I’ve always wanted to kinda combine them somehow
Like being able to combine cpu power or something. Idk if this is possible without getting a mobo with multiple cpu slots, but if it is. I’d love to learn!
What’s wrong with bootcamps? Honest question, as I’ve been learning to code from a python book and an “expensive” udemi course that was on sale for 20 bucks
I’d never tell people I know how to program though. I’m definitely still learning
Calcium is a metal. So we’re just normal robots
Like for stealing your code?
Also vscodium vs vscode-server. What’s the difference? I’ve heard the ladder has Spyware or something?
Thank you!