Sounds like a drone to me. 😋
Sounds like a drone to me. 😋
😭 yeah… It’s such pain to have to fight someone who’s fighting dirty. You either have to figure out how to beat them anyway, or get dirty yourself, and dems weren’t ready to get dirty yet.
Why? Why release someone on house arrest who is a FUCKING RAPIST AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING GANG LEADER? How is that in the best interests of anyone but this POS?
What about making TikTok’s? Please say he can’t.
If they only would have let Obama appoint his justice! Then RBG could have retired instead of dying on the bench trying to hang on until a dem president. That whole shit was so underhanded, and then the GOP called it BS when dems tried to keep out a literal rapist.
Yeah, I get that. It’s a shame we can’t get it Federally legalized.
I want to know whether this could result in a court case overturning the new standards.
Yes! Like I guess I could just give all this money to Illinois and improve their economy…
Funny considering the woman is an alcoholic drunk driver.
Even the medical ones for cataracts and arthritis are out. In Iowa, you can only have pot if you currently have cancer and/or are dying. That’s not completely true, but it is only for the most extreme medical conditions.
Yes, about half as much as in-state license holders can.
Right? Something a law abiding citizen of a pot-free state would never do!
Yeah, let’s pull a Bugs Bunny and saw Florida right off the US!
I can see it blink in the video.
Here I am in Iowa, just surrounded by states that have legalized… like being in a dry county, whatever am I to do? 😏
Do you think the group that found this were professionals at infectious disease control? My fear was a county inspector took the animals without realizing the severity of the situation.
More than 175 [lab mice] were found dead, and the city took possession of the remaining animals in April and euthanized 773.
I hope the checked in with the CDC before they did that. Nothing of concern was found this time, but taking lab mice from an illegal biochemical situation could be dangerous.
This is an interesting angle I hadn’t considered…
Oooh, I like this.
A full word that you made up.
Then why nightmare shape?
j/k I don’t kill them