“Papers, Please” got robbed, too.
Yeah. I hesitated a little to post the story because to me ActBlue belongs more to the problem set than the solution set. It’s also very weird that this article brags about all their success level, which against the current backdrop of events presumably means that they are bad at winning elections but good at raising money, which should not be the metric.
I do think it’s pretty newsworthy that they are struggling, not because they’re an integral part of an apparatus which doesn’t give a shit about working people and keeps losing elections as a result, but because the legal structures of the country are being weaponized against them. That’s definitely not going to decrease the power or influence of the donor class. But also, you’re not wrong.
Yeah, they are both good lists.
Also, Cunningham’s Law. I totally ignored the person who simply asked for the information.
That’s not the actual list although it’s a perfectly accurate list. I liked this video because it was highly focused on some less well-known titles.
Yeah. I am no physics professional, but it is rare that one of these pop science YouTube videos teaches me some hardcore new stuff. This one is the real deal though.
One of my favorite of the 3blue1brown videos uses that same trick, of summing up roots of 1 in the complex plane so that they spin through the full circle and add up to 0 in every place except where you want them. Seeing that you can do the same thing in the fucking real world to make a laser show up in a different spot from where you’re pointing it is the mother of all mindfucks.
Yep. You are 100% correct. ActivityPub has some significant flaws.
It really pokes a hole in that whole “the omnipotent creator of the entire universe and everything in it said you need to agree with me.”
“Nuh-uh, I talked with him too, and he told me you’re wrong actually.”
I have stopped caring what Trump is outraged by.
I’m not trying to be overly self-promotional, but rss.ponder.cat + piefed.social’s “feeds” could probably do this very well. I actually really like the combination of having aggregated RSS feeds I can control, along with other people voting on them so particularly interesting stuff from them get surfaced more than other stuff.
If you know what you’re doing, then sure. I do not. I know too many stories of people who attacked delicate machinery with their good ideas and then got all surprised when it afterwards functioned worse, and not better.
I don’t think they care. They are simply trying to destroy. The specific details of this program, what it does, and its impact on either the people who use it or the IRS or the treasury, are completely irrelevant.
Unless it impacts someone whose initials are “DT”, “EM”, or “VP”, they literally couldn’t care less. That’s why they periodically are becoming surprised that something they attacked without even bothering to figure out what was downrange does impact one of those people, and then having to reverse themselves.
Hm, I would try just changing it back first. Use geekroom.tech. Any community or anything that federated or went into the database, with one of the other hostnames, is probably cursed now, and best just deleted and never looked back on. But, if you try to reinstall, you won’t be able to keep geekroom.tech as the domain at all, you’ll have to pick a new one (or just use a subdomain like lemmy.geekroom.tech).
Once stuff is federated out from one install under some given domain name, it’s pretty much immutable from that point forward. It probably shouldn’t be that way, but that is the current state of things with ActivityPub being the way that it is unfortunately.
It says: The server returned this error: couldnt_find_community
. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error.
rDataHoarder also doesn’t show in the list of local communities.
Did you change the domain of your host, after it had already done some federation and created databases, or something like that? I do see the rDataHoarder community in the list of non-local communities, which is a real bad type of error to be seeing. You didn’t do any hacking around in the database to fix things or anything did you? That should never be that way as far as I know.
Hm, I saw no posts on your instance for !rDataHoarder@geekroom.tech, so I tried to make one on my instance to see if it would show up, and now your server’s giving me an internal error viewing that community. Do you know what’s up with that?
I think the time period during which whatever-it-was was making things not work, may have left your federation of communities in a borked state. One thing you can try: Unsubscribe from some particular remote community from all users on your instance (so your instance will request to stop getting updates). Then, resubscribe, and see if you start getting updates again. The initial request to get updates might have gotten swallowed by the brokenness.
This might be a good question for the devs, also. Both because they can help more and because they should know about it as an issue (whether or not it was caused by some Cloudflare thing and whether or not it was your “fault” in setting it up, both of those questions I have no idea.)
It’s also illegal to fire people from congressionally-mandated agencies, or steal their funding so you can do what you want with it, and yet here we are.
You’re not wrong. On the other hand, it’s easily possible that they will just happily make exceptions for them. A lot of what they’re trying to do is install “the right people” in place administering the right elections, who will make sure that “the right people” still have their rights protected, whatever the law says.
It might be just an actual real person, who’s chosen this method not realizing that it is abusive to talk with everyone with their pitch for money and friendship, on a network this large. Or, more likely, it’s a scammer who is figuring that it’ll work better to use a photo of a real-looking person instead of an obvious catfish hot girl.
(I’m not actually convinced, I would assume that the same type of person who falls for this stuff is also more lizard-brain-driven and will react more strongly to a hot person texting them regardless of how much sense it makes.)
I think you answered your own question. It’s spam from a bot user called Nicole.
The issue is anonymous account creation + open access for new anonymous accounts to do whatever they want until it’s “proved” that they’re up to no good.
Definitely seems like it works now. I can see your communities, and I did a test post and it went to your instance (then I deleted it).
I would tend to guess that it’s the Cloudflare config that was the issue.
The EU lady coming up and taking a picture is spot on.