Fucking weird that the murderer ended up dead in the mom’s bathtub. I wonder if mom killed him?
Fucking weird that the murderer ended up dead in the mom’s bathtub. I wonder if mom killed him?
Low unemployment means higher negotiating power for workers
Too bad all those “right to work” people have been actively fighting against negotiation powers for workers. But lets blame the ‘yacht owners’ and piss and moan about how they take advantage of the lopsided negotiation powers we voted in for them.
I know! We should put exclusively yacht owners in power! They’ll totally fix it. /s
Not entirely fruitless. They’ll make some petrodeals while they’re there. Why waste a trip?
The parallels are obvious but I haven’t seen anybody state that it actually is covid.
Even if this was ‘only’ an issue for the people that make all our food its an important issue and pesticide drift is a thing. so its also an issue for the people that live near where our food is made
as an “adult” is just a mental construct that was embedded into most people at a young age
When you grow up, you realize you’re still the same person but with more responsibilities
… and kids can step up to responsibilities way earlier than we prefer to admit. They might not be as good at it as somebody more developed but they can do it.
Until I have to be.
sadly this is what i means to be an adult. we know when ‘i don’t want to’ becomes ‘i have to’. :(
“One report suggested that the man may have moved near the robot with a box in his hands, which could have triggered the machine’s reaction.”
Seems like a dumb way to check though.
“He had been sent to the plant to examine whether the machine was working properly.”
It doesn’t sound like it was
And what happens to the old engine? Does it get refurbished somewhere slow&cheap and become a crate motor for step 2 a few months down the line? Or thrown out?
Yeah. This is the real issue here.
Sex work should be legal and the morality discussion here is about people lying to their spouses and if anybody is being forced into sex work… all interesting topics.
But anybody implicated in this situation needs all security clearances and access dropped because they are high risk morons.
Naw, terrorists put jalapeños on their Hawaiian pizza. This is just a normal pizza lover.
I second this. Its horrible and sad that so many people are evil, or more to the point, can be led to an evil position which they’ll embrace and defend with all their intellect.
One of the scariest things about this shift is a realization that this is how countries do horrible things. A mob of excited people can make group decisions, and will follow horrible leaders because, well, because people can driven by emotions and group-think and localized social norms.
If the current Republican Party maintains its cohesion and membership I think what has been a generational lapse into authoritarian insanity could be a permanent shift in the American psyche. Thats even more terrifying than seeing so many people vote for Trump.
I think FreeLikeGNU has a point here… the happier America as described has generally only been a reality for a subset of the population. Can we really suggest that is/was the ‘character [of] America’ as a whole?
The whole “MAGA” thing feels related to this point. Its like a large group of American’s feel the oppression, fear and lack of optimism and, in their anger and frustration, have embraced a view that what made America great was the division and exploitation rather than the optimism.
I’d argue causality — that they were purposefully led to that view by exploitative fuckwad Republican leadership that cared about Party more than the country and who used the fear, and exploited the crisis, to gain and maintain power and now don’t want to give it up. But we don’t really need to understand why or who led that change to also step back and be sad that the change happened.
I think the legal teams are out of control and have a vendetta against the tech because chatGPT passed the bar exam. I’m kinda sick of their blanket bans paired with “but learn to use it” BS.
This is a stupid policy statement. The tech will be used by teams just the same way autocorrect or grammar checkers are used — simply because it’ll be baked into all their editing tools within a couple of years. Similarly they’re going to keep using licensed image libraries and will transition to AI generated images as their licensed libraries transition to the tech.
I will lose sleep over the nut jobs that fantasize about shouting up their local town police force to “rescue trump”.
These are the same types of people that caused the civil war. I don’t the great sort is at that point yet - but it worries me that they are willing to destroy the country to (try and) maintain their position of power over others.
I don’t see how we defuse and resolve those conflicts. They’ve been going on for a long time.
if the hate fits… wear it
Have you considered that the full text is:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the child killing and fascist racist pig State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The conservative deep state keeps that definition of “free” in the DL.
/j since humor is hard online
Stop walking so loud. It’s making us mole people very very angry.