Yeh there’s never money for reforms, then if there’s a war to fund or petrol involved they always find a few billion under three sofa.
Yeh there’s never money for reforms, then if there’s a war to fund or petrol involved they always find a few billion under three sofa.
I think it would be super awkward if you’ve been widowed.
I mean, you’re supposed to meet everyone again, including your former spouses who had been waiting for you.
Why should anyone give half a fuck about what China thinks of what they should do in their own countries?
I hope the French politely told then to go fuck themselves.
“You can go on slaughtering civilians, but only for a few more days, then enough is enough ok?”
I’m in Italian, and to be honest it makes no fucking sense in our language either.
Lol, they’re really fucking not.
Bloody hell it really does.
Dude, two different countries ffs.
Do me a favour, can you point to one? Because I haven’t seen one in this thread tbh.
All good but I’d just like to point something out.
When you boil pasta you’re actually hydrating it, and it’s a process that occurs above 80C, you don’t need water to be boiling savagely.
In fact, it’s preferable to let pasta simmer, as full boiling is a bit too “violent” and tends to damage most kinds of pasta.
You know, when some pieces are broken and torn like when it’s overcooked? You can avoid that by keeping the temperature low.
Some people in Italy even turn the fire off after the water has started boiling ,as the water is hot enough to cook the pasta and keep it nice and firm.
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It’s a slippery slope. Soon they’ll have two separate queues, and one of them will be called “fatties”.
Fucking hell in the picture he had the same face my grandma had when we were trying to teach her how to record stuff on her vcr.
“And this, Mr President, is how you launch you browser”.
“Launch? Like, missiles?”
Bollocks, you’re talking about your anecdotal impression while repeating the government false selling points without data to back yours or their statements.
Italy is 14th in Europe by ratio of immigrants compared to the resident population. Link. So, it’s not that immigrants infested hellhole you picture.
"Secondo Eurostat, al 1º gennaio 2017 l’Italia era il quarto Paese dell’U.E. per popolazione immigrata, ovvero nata all’estero, con 6,1 milioni di immigrati, dopo Germania (12,1 milioni), Regno Unito (9,3 milioni) e Francia (8,2 milioni), appena davanti alla Spagna (6,0 milioni)[2]. Per numero di stranieri (inclusi gli apolidi) in percentuale rispetto al totale della popolazione residente, l’Italia si classificava al quattordicesimo posto (su 28) nell’Unione Europea (con l’8,3% di immigrati sul totale della popolazione). "
Crime in Italy is decreasing FAST. In this chart you can see how it went from the 90s. And it’s still one of the safest countries in Europe and in the world.
Italy crime rate & statistics for 2021 was 0.51, a 6.78% increase from 2020.
Italy crime rate & statistics for 2020 was 0.48, a 9.74% decline from 2019.
Italy crime rate & statistics for 2019 was 0.53, a 11.49% decline from 2018.
Italy crime rate & statistics for 2018 was 0.60, a 4.31% decline from 2017.
Edit: let’s paste another bit:
"Italy has a lower per capita rate of rape than most of the advanced Western countries in the European Union.[14]
According to Police authorities data, the rate of sexual assaults per 100,000 inhabitants is significantly higher in the Northern region than in the Southern ones. In 2009, Lombardia and Emilia Romagna were the regions with the highest rate of sexual offences per 100.000 inhabitants (9.7); followed by Trentino Alto Adige and Tuscany (9.5); Piedmont and Liguria (8.6); Umbria (8.4). In this respect, all major Southern regions like Sicily (6.8); Calabria (6.5); Apulia (6.2); Campania (6,0) were the safest in the national territory, with the only exception of Friuli Venezia Giulia (5.1) in the North.[15] "
Nonetheless, since Meloni’s went to power, illegal landings have almost doubled, in face of her promises of being this iron wall against immigration.
The EU IS doing a big part in handling the problem, I can tell you from first hand experience since my wife works in a center for underage immigrants. We’re getting a HUGE amount of money from the EU to handle them, both in food, education and everything needed.
Thing is (and, again, this is from first hand experience), those funds are available upon request, and in the vast majority of cases local councils fail to apply for them. This is either because they’re not aware of them, they don’t have technicians specialized in these kind of legal procedures and bids, they fail to put in practice the requirements and all that.
So, again, incompetence has a big part. And guess what. What Salvini did recently was to make it almost impossible for immigrants to acquire work permits, in a show of “toughness”.
The result is that you have a bunch of people already in the country who would be perfectly happy to do legally all the stuff Italians don’t want to do (like working in the fields in the summer, cleaning etc, and can not.
So they end up in the streets.
The situation is complex, simplifying it into “my city is full of black raping people and the EU does nothing” is beyond ignorant.
This is the kind of narrow minded, uninformed point of view upon which all populists thrive.
“The immigrants will make the country collapse! Vote for me! I’ll keep all those blacks away!”.
No, 70k people will not cause a country of 65 million people, the 8th economy in the world, to collapse.
Incompetent governments will. As well as outdated economic policies, lack of innovation, excessive fiscal pressure and whatnot.
The footprint of a bunch of people who lives on 10 Euro a day isn’t even a rounding error. Inflating their significance and supporting the ignorance of the subject is what brings right wingers into power.
I’m shocked, who would have thought that no gun control whatsoever could result in gun deaths.
Jesus christ you’re a moron.
Ah, pun threads, I really don’t miss them.
We were at the point where I would click a major news article and I had to scroll a few dozen comments before there was something even remotely relevant to whatever was happening.
Sorry but I don’t think any country at this moment would be too happy to welcome fucking genocidal rapists maniac ex-convicted murderers.
The fact that at some point along the way they went “aww this is so cold and they’re shooting back at me, I’m off” doesn’t make those bastard war criminals something one would want as neighbours. And paid for it too lol. No thanks.
Not everything can be sorted with a cost-expenses spreadsheet.