I’ll do my business right in front of this thing, just to prove my point
I’ll do my business right in front of this thing, just to prove my point
Using MS Teams for class is the worst… I do not know most of the time where the files in those assignments’ turn-in will end up.
Must be The One Above All
I guess, just a tad too long for an easy walk.
From the looks of things on the internet, they still have many more stuff they are debating. Climate change might not be at the top of their list.
Download more phones?
Well, being right doesn’t mean people have to like you tho… And most of the time people don’t like being told that they’re wrong too. So, that’s I guess where the downvotes came from.
I second this. I was reading it pirated online, it’s so good, I went out and buy the whole set.
Yup pretty easy too. I just checked on my mobile app this is how you do it
You can also do this from the google history management page on the web but not sure the step tho.
Then I’ll do it where you took the picture ;)