If I had a nickel for every time I was troubleshooting with a friend and discovered they thought turning the monitor off and on again was “rebooting the computer” I’d be depressingly wealthy.
Mash 'em, boil 'em, stick 'em in a centrifuge
If I had a nickel for every time I was troubleshooting with a friend and discovered they thought turning the monitor off and on again was “rebooting the computer” I’d be depressingly wealthy.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Do they… they torture them with a rubber horse…?
ETA: Goddammit it says rubber hose
My coworker flips his shit every time I include a ternary operator in a PR. He also insists on refactoring any block of code longer than two lines into its own function, even when it’s only used once.
He is not well liked.
You are a beautiful person. May the wind be ever at your back
At this point if I can’t find a “Jump to Recipe” button displayed prominently at the top of the page within three seconds of visiting I just nope out and find a less cancerous site
My favorites are flesh fries
I can’t imagine a world in which calling a bird a “tit” in the first place was not the product of a poorly thought out public poll
Man I’d love to know how to break into the pro circuit of watching porn at work
You could make it run git pop
until it clears the whole stash
Well if we can’t solve global warming, at least we’ve got world hunger in the bag
I know you’re joking but you basically just suggested buying a pack of frozen mixed veggies so you can pick out and use only the carrots for your stew, and the idea of someone actually doing that sends my brain into a tailspin