So residency immediately with a job offer? Woah
So residency immediately with a job offer? Woah
How about engineers in NZ?
What’s a good manual focus lens?
How did he not allow them to help? They should be able to remotely take over the car. He’s correct that they don’t need his phone to correct an issue like this.
He also didn’t know how long this could take. Good to have it on a recording in case he was stuck there for an hour and did miss his flight.
I know where this is going. I’ve watched Fullmetal alchemist.
What happened to your O
Don’t forget the bone density loss from having such a large parasite for 9 months.
Roots are big and beefy and go 15ft deep…
You should go into underwater welding.
It’s more like going to a restaurant expecting them to make a recipe but instead they tell you to select this random list of things and then they cook it (like US Mongolian bbq places).
If you know what you’re doing you get a good meal. If not? Ketchup on rice.
Immediately call 911 and don’t answer the door I guess. Get in an interior room and lay down on the floor in your underwear.
Came here to say this. Don’t have kids folks.
Sounds very economical.
Imagine if Hitlers one week special operation in Poland hadn’t been a success.
Buffalo buffa
Buffalo Buffalo bu
Buffalo buffa
What’s it do?