Why stop there? Do the open source apps you’re advocating run on Windows or Nvidia drivers? You could get upset about them too, because they’re also one step removed from something closed source.
Why stop there? Do the open source apps you’re advocating run on Windows or Nvidia drivers? You could get upset about them too, because they’re also one step removed from something closed source.
Then it sounds like all that’s left to do is get 150 million people to use them.
Nobody in this thread has forbidden anyone from doing anything. If you want a soapbox for your irrelevant opinions, start a blog.
I don’t know much about the gambling industry
You can stop there. You don’t know much about the gambling industry, defending them was just an opportunity to tell us your opinions on “some people”, none of whom are actually here.
Sounds more like you just don’t know anything about the gambling industry. They run rigged games in predatory ways. They happily let organised crime launder money for a cut. They fight regulations designed to reduce problem gambling.
Nevertheless, nobody here is “forcing their way of life on others and taking away their agency over their own lives”. They’re just acknowledging that casinos have a long history of being absolute cunts.
Which is functionally identical to the last one you posted. Are you just doing the same joke in every format you can? Fuck the internet sucks now.
Thank you for your tireless work making Republicans look dumb as fuck.
Yes. Inflation is when billionaires think you’ve got a few dollars they haven’t fucked you out of. You have to sneak welfare past them already, so full UBI would be sniffed out by their snouts immediately.
A man that feels he has nothing to lose is a dangerous thing
Especially when they’re a former “responsible gun owner”.
A lot of comments seem to think that Tailwind is just a way to save a few keystrokes at the expense of legibility and leanness.
For me, the value comes from not having to jump all over a codebase, not having to name so many things, having clearer scopes and pulling things like colors and spacings from a central config.
I know there’s a hundred different ways to solve those issues that wouldn’t offend CSS purists but ask 10 different people and you’ll get 10 different answers with 10 different caveats.
So I use Tailwind to write fuckugly markup in a faster, easily iterated way that will be instantly familiar to anyone who knows Tailwind.
If we actually followed the “your gender identity is mildly inconvenient to me so should be banned” crowd and made everything unambiguously gendered, language would become far more awkward.
“If someone calls and I’m not there, tell him or her that he or she can leave a message”.
We could start doing this right now – every time they he or she uses the word “they”, insist they he or she repeats themselves himself or herself in a way that leaves no gender ambiguity…
It’s also because “the free market will fix it” is neoliberal bullshit that is pushed precisely because it doesn’t work. It’s just a way of blaming consumers for the horrifically immoral actions of corporations and they’ve suckered you right in.
Regulations could immediately stop Nestle using child slaves, no boycotts required.
A criminally low amount of views for someone who had an ass hair grafted onto his head so that’s he’d never go truly bald.
For-profit, neoliberal media will never fairly cover any protest that may impact the profits of other neoliberals. It doesn’t matter what form the protest takes, nor what the protest is for.
It’s been that way ever since “Occupy Wall St”, when news anchors feigned carefully practised bewilderment and asked "But what are they protesting. Of course if you asked any of the actual protesters, they were happy to make it clear.
So they just didn’t ask.
Measuring any act of protest by metric of “the media covered it in a way that will bring the great unwashed on side” ensures that no protest will ever meet your standard. You may as well advocate that people don’t bother and just politely wait for the end of the world. You won’t even be alone in doing it.
Fortunately, those media companies don’t control every method of communication just yet, so we can discuss it on social media or look it up independently.
What we can’t escape is the endless protest policing, where people complain “that’s not how I would have done it” on social media.
So maybe it’s time for those people to unveil their perfect protest strategy that gets international attention, doesn’t inconvenience anybody, gets fairly covered despite the millions spent to prevent it and doesn’t require 3 wet wipes to fix.
My money is on their big reveal being “do fuck all and try and die of old age before it matters”.
If only you held yourself to the same standard before yet another generic “This isn’t an effective form of protest even though it made the news, and I’m talking about it, and I know what it was about” comment.
Or fuck, even in this reply, where your “useful response” was “you should protest with murder”.
Looks to me like you just didn’t like your opinions challenged, you just wanted to make sure everybody knew what they were.
Just wait until they find out how inconvenient widespread environmental catastrophe is.
What form of protest gets your rubber stamp of approval?
Probably because of all the genocide they’re doing.
The neoliberals won’t embrace anything unless there’s profit in it.
Preferential voting is the only chance of a progressive gaining the power they need to make desperately overdue changes to healthcare, worker rights, housing, cost of living, etc.
A neoliberal government that occasionally panders to progressives is better than a neoliberal government that gets horny at the idea of spitting in poor peoples faces, which is better than fascists.
But we need to do so much more than “not making things worse”.
The software in the screenshot doesn’t require you to use Discord, but that’s not good enough there.