Who wants to do the exact maths to work out the sea level rise of all of this melting? My back of an envelope calculation gives me 4cm, but happy to be proved wrong! I did 1600km3 over 75% of 510,000,000km2
Who wants to do the exact maths to work out the sea level rise of all of this melting? My back of an envelope calculation gives me 4cm, but happy to be proved wrong! I did 1600km3 over 75% of 510,000,000km2
I’m not sure if your last sentence was an aside or in reference to this case. But I just thought I would mention in case it was the latter; Qatar is a necessary transfer airport to Australia from Europe and the UK if you are travelling with Qatar Airlines (which is often one of the cheaper fares available on the very expensive journey) or I believe if you book via Quantas, Qatar Airlines is one of their partner companies that you could end up on.
Sorry, I’m not sure I can help much then. I use Capture One for my image library which I script with AppleScript. Sorry I don’t have more to add to the conversation.
Which operating system are you using?
Does mean that the unvaccinated anti-vaxers will keep away from the vaccinated??