Watch conservatives lose their temper.
They broke the record again!
Sounds like this will also help male rape victims.
I haven’t tried that part.
Just use Ecosia people! Plant some trees.
This gives off the same energy as Desantis threatening to flatten the Bahamas.
The UK Labour Party is a joke! First they won’t consult with trans people on creating the laws that affect their entire lives and now they’re targeting Anti-Zionist Jews.
This article gave me the sudden urge to visit Bandiaterra!
Get that terf garbage out of here.
Damn straight the reason why people play sports is to have fun.
It’s makes me sick these commentators are their hiding transphobia in their “competitive arguments”.
We don’t need to have these invasive requirements to test someone’s hormones just let people play their gender identity. No human deserves to be excluded from having fun when they only got one life.
Transgender women are women not men. Get out of here with that hate.
Damn Nintendo is breathing on Sony’s neck right now.
Another reason to go for plant based milk!
How god not those bible thumpers.
Heres comes the internet hug of death ;)
Oooh that would be perfect for using OpenStreetMaps for my use case!