Sorry, MSM? I can’t read this as anything other than mainstream media.
Sorry, MSM? I can’t read this as anything other than mainstream media.
I heard it was a tragic stroke. An act of God if ever there was one.
Those prices are absolutely bonkers if that’s JPY (¥). For reference, $1 ~ ¥150.
Why combine extant states? Just pull a colonial Europe and draw a whole new map over it! Nuts to “natural boundaries” or “cultural similarities”, everyone on the east coast from DC to King’s Bay is now part of the State of Midlantic.
What behaviour was this colleague exhibiting that made you forget to never put anything unofficial in writing?
So the plan is to pay mercenaries to deliver aid, instead of the many, many NGOs and aid orgs already champing at the bit to coordinate and deliver?
Or does Israel just wanna try changing it up by bombing PMCs this time?
Biden, your words mean less than dick at this point. Try some action.
I was certain you’d be bored of it by now. But at least it’s not another one of our “Roosevelt Corollary” adventures.
Could embiggen it by a factor of 10 by removing the gender marker.
Versus the interviews aired by the major networks about a mother of three declaring that all Israelis just wanna live in peace and it’s those no-good Palestinians stirring up trouble.
It’s good to get a mix of all the people involved. Especially when assholes like the one demonstrated have more direct impact than the suburban mom.
Even if they did, you think they’d get it released? They saw what happened to the Heritage Foundation following the leak of P’25.
The eponymous thunder.
- War and Conquest: The concept of milchemet mitzvah (a commanded war) includes conquering certain territories that were promised in the Torah. If new land is identified as part of the biblical borders, there may be halachic discussions about the obligation to conquer and settle it.
As we all know, religious texts are static and unchanging. Until one is “unearthed” that declares all of India “ancient Israel”.
None of these stories ever touch on what limits.
Also, what infrastructure?
As usual, thank god for Mississippi.
Even in our nonsense metrics, they trail the rest of the Union.
Quick google turns this up. As for the specific phrase, dunno.
Also a subscriber, also pleased.
More importantly, as an aspiring privacy nut, can you share that research with me?
Most soldiers in the IDF have not killed anyone.
We, as Americans, are gonna have to find this “Genocide Georg” who should not have been counted.
Voyager does, for one. I think Connect does as well.