Sure hope not.
Sure hope not.
Either nobody would believe it, or it would be on every screen and headline for a week, before the next news cycle Swiss the attention away.
Pretty good points there, though i’d argue it’s not just pure numerical IQ, but mostly life experience. The more variety of life you experience, the more you know of human history, different cultures, ways of thinking and seeing the world - the harder it is for you to get impressed by something as shallow as AI.
Tech bros live in a bubble of their own creation and don’t understand the true richness of the human condition.
Also Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir: Great book about communicating with species that differs from humans in almost every possible way.
Interactive Entertainment? Interactive Experience?
Not sure if there is a catch-all term that encompassed everything, but these seem broader than games.
I’d guess NPR
Of course I did!
With a #$ump this size You gotta flush twice
I thought we, as a society, were over this ridiculous “drinking from jars” phase.
I get really bad brain fog. It’s like I wake up and feel my IQ has halved. Simple problems seem gigantic, everything is a hassle. On top of that - general fatigue, like walking up the stairs or running a bit gets me all breathless. Even though I should be familiar with it by now, I always keep thinking: “is it COVID?”
Then one day it rains and the pollen subsides and suddenly I can run and think and feel like myself again.
Thank you! That’s a name I haven’t heard in a decade or so!
Now, what’s SFM?
Ha I remember that. I also recall someone in the 80s there was a pop song popular in Poland, entitled “Glass Weather”. It was about these rainy autumn evenings when there’s nothing better to do than sit in front of your (black and white) TV. The lyrics were mentioning “apartment window blue from the TV glow”.
This is a very non scientific answer, but when I was a kid (good 40 years ago) I remember having a science book that called TV static “an echo of the big bang”. I guess that would mean just randomly scattered energy bouncing around on all bands?..
I could probably Google it and give you an answer, but I’ll just wait for someone with a more convincingly and authoritatively written reply.
Fun fact - in Polish language the word alfabet exists as a technical name of the alphabet. There is also a more casual word, often used by children: abecadło which is basically polish way of saying “The ABCs”.
Wow, thanks! I guess there’s always a chance to learn something new!
Great pick. Awesome song from the good days of Tim.
Doesn’t the bubbly reaction do anything? It sure looks impressive.
Whenever I’m in doubt about cleaning, I try sprinkling a good amount of baking soda and then pouring copious amounts of vinegar, then letting it do its thing. It’s an inexpensive experiment to try and could solve your problem.
Knowing when to quit a battle is a virtue, not a failure.
Imagine you are a smoker and the addiction makes it impossible for you to quit. Then one day nobody will sell you a cigarette or let you bum one off them.
Count your blessings and move on.
Reddit Karma ain’t worth shit. Imaginary Internet points.