using the picture of obama @ the great wall of china is an interesting choice, haha
using the picture of obama @ the great wall of china is an interesting choice, haha
so tired. so, so tired.
The imminent passing of the Crucial Communism Teaching Act harkens back to earlier anti-communist periods in American history, namely the Red Scare of the 1910s and the McCarthyist era of the 1940s and 1950s.
During those times, organized labor movements were ruthlessly attacked, workers from all professions, including professors, government officials, and teachers, were fired en masse, and some of America’s brightest minds had their careers derailed due to their political leanings.
Dec 17 (Reuters) - Meta Platforms has agreed to a A$50 million settlement ($31.85 million), Australia’s privacy watchdog said on Tuesday, closing long-drawn, expensive legal proceedings for the Facebook parent over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Lead-associated mental health and personality differences were most pronounced for cohorts born from 1966 through 1986 (Generation X).
A significant burden of mental illness symptomatology and disadvantageous personality differences can be attributed to US children’s exposure to lead over the past 75 years. Lead’s potential contribution to psychiatry, medicine, and children’s health may be larger than previously assumed.
awesome! appreciate the info! adding it to the list
whoa! never heard of this & i love the alien franchise! definitely checking this out.
this is pretty cool! first time hearing abt it.
this is awesome! makes me excited to setup a new nas later this year :)