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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2021


  • It being a CIA front has been outright confirmed by the CIA in the 80s.

    You also make the mistake of believing “promoting democracy” is meant in any way seriously.

    1. What sort of democracy? Venezuela, Cuba, China all are democratic per their own people which are highly supportive of their states, yet the NED was active there. NED was never active in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Monacco or other absolutist monarchies. The difference? The first group of states are on the US shitlist, the latter are subservient. Ergo, “promoting democracy” can only mean “installing people in power which are subservient to the US”.

    2. Democracy? NED was and is very active in Ukraine, which has banned all opposition parties, no longer has elections and is snatching people off the streets to throw into the meatgrinder instead of making peace. NED also was very active during the Arab spring. Which lead to Sisi in Egypt (after the elected muslim brotherhood government dared not to continue selling Israel oil far below market price) and not-Al-Qaida in Syria (which famously are not opposing Israels invasion of Syria and previously staged a false flag gas attack on civilians, which the US supported via falsifying evidence and supressing on the ground findings)

    Again we can see a trend of installing subservient governments in the name of “democracy”.

    This trend is contiuned everywhere, the supported Opposition is rabidly pro-US (see Thailand or Georgia for current examples), in no way to the benefit of their own people.

    The matter is not remotely grey. You need to learn to read between the lines.

  • The nine dash line is open to negotiations as recent ones with Vietnam have shown. “Taiwan”, actually called the Republic of China, is the rump state of the losing side of the chinese civil war. It only exists because the US interfered. It considers itself China, the PRC considers it China. Only you ignorant people don’t. It is a wholy internal matter of the chinese people.

    There is no state called “Taiwan”, get it already.