Yes, to keep the gayquilibrium in balance.
German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him
Yes, to keep the gayquilibrium in balance.
Every closet door closed is a closet door opened for someone else.
As a chemist when I read such a title I already know it’s one of those organic chemistry rule of thumb rules. All of them are named and most of them old and from text books. Such rules are useful rules for drawing stick figures of molecules. They are not the same as actual rules of physics for example.
But it’s always cool when someone finds out how to make molecular structures we thought wouldn’t work.
They also do not descriminate against evidence based on reliability.
Agreed. I think the metaphors and message was delivered in a clever if malicious way. But the ending would have worked as well if not better if trimmed down a bit.
The fight felt a bit lengthy and everything after the second substance dose onward could have done with some trimming Imo.
The practical effects were fantastic and also the body horror versus gloss contrast worked really well for me.
Mobile add-ons. Nice!
Online or offline multi-player?
As for couch coop Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends is some of the most fun I ever had with friends gaming.
As if this game didn’t already have a ton of content and variety. Awesome.
I just realized I don’t know how I hold y mouse.
It says it’s not easy. I fact it is so hard, they couldn’t even do it.
American Froot Loops have such vibrant colors. Wtf.
gamingjournalism just wants clicks to get ad-revenue.
Because maximum profit at all costs mode.
There has to be someone with the last name of Tape using this somewhere right.
Well if one TV boss says so it’s gotta be true right?
Does the game have a socialist foundation? I’ve played it several times and I don’t see it.
The union in the game is corrupt as fuck, if you become a Marxist you get told all the flaws in the ideology (just like all the other ideologies you can follow).
I believe a generous free trial paired with a subscription model is currently the best way to go about MMO monetization when it comes to ethics and financial viability.
I take monthly cost over aggressive fomo advertisements of dumber and dumber immersion breaking skins and performance hogging flashy effects any day. Even worse if there is also pay to win. Most of those mtx monetization models prey on wales who fall for this type of addiction easily.
How is this even worth a headline. Yea no shit there is a lot of competition in the souls like genre.
Kraven is another symptom of a very broken movie blockbuster movie business.
Big IP and studio movies that are actually good have become more of surprising to me than bad ones.